May 10, 2005 15:30
Hmm, today is the mexican mothers day, which reminds me, i will be right back. I just had to go wish my mom a happy mothers day, she was happy, she was barely heading home from work. God, its nice to know that there is work in the fields again, i was in need of money so bad, now i can finaly work this weekend and have some money for graduation presents and the such. Oh, and, not only that, but i am almost finished with the portrait of my mother, i should like scan it and put it on here, except i dont know how so i guess i wont, but just let me say that it looks halfway decent.
---My sister was freaking out yesterday, she was ranting on and on about how she was so depressed and how she didnt know what she was going to do because she felt like not living anymore. I really did not want to listen to it, she is being so fucking stupid, come on, i mean, you dont go up to someone who used to be depressed just because they were and expect them to fix it for you. I told her to go seek some help if she really did feel depressed, and i also wanted to tell her that she also needed to suck it up and quit exagerating, because i know for a fact that she is not at all down, just a little bit attention craved.
---The whole situation with Kelsi and her mom freaking out. I mean okay, so she doesnt approve of the whole situation, but kelsi is eventually going to have to go out into the real world and face life on her own, and with parents that are seriously watching over your shoulder for your every move, how is she supposed to grow at all as a person. She isnt allowed to make any of her own mistakes or decisions about her own life, i think the problem lies in her parents, honestly, i think it does. Kels girl, you gotta talk to your mom, i hope things dont get to much worse. I spent most of sixth period talking to tom about the situation, he thinks it would be best to talk to Mrs. Smith about the situation and i told him that he best not untill he asked kelsi what she thought cuz things could potentially get ugly. We talked about the whole situation and his views on it, and it really does dissapoint me that Mrs. Smith wont even get to know the kid besides what is mentioned about him in the teachers lounge and such. If it makes you feel any better, i am here for you whenever you need me Kels.
---Oh, my graduation party is coming up pretty soon guys, you should all tell me what you think i should do for it. So far, i know that i want to have it over at the river park next to the power station thing, and i also think i want to make my own pinata though i am not positive on that. I dont know what kind of food to have though, or much else, so any kind suggestions would make me very very happy.