Jan 17, 2006 11:04
whole grain white bread? doesn't that defeat the purpose??
we've already got wheat, and wheatier and oat and honey and 47 grain bread.... but what mastermind thought to take something as good and pure and free of health as that wonderfully fluffy white bread, and add grains to it?
i grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white. it's also where my bologna and grilled cheese lived. i turned out just fine.
so maybe my fat-pinch tests in elementary school were always sightly higher than they should have been. maybe i have never in my life done a pull-up. perhaps i have no stamina for running, and i never grew as tall as everyone had predicted....
you gonna blame all that on white bread?
maybe it's not our bread that's doing it...maybe those flintstones vitamins are having some sort of adverse effect on our youth.
yeah...maybe that's what's going on...