break and tired beast . :\

Dec 03, 2010 21:33

 hi yeom! back from the forest :F

it'll be exams from monday. wait, say what? MONDAY? yes, monday. shizzzzz -_- so there'll be no more internet for me, ever, until holidays which is 26 december. which means=no fanfics from me for a couple of weeks :) sorry for the hiatus guys. teeeeeheee.

JUST REALIZED, i don't even get christmas. ugh *even though i don't celebrate it hahaha

ANYWAYS. has anyone seen our beasty boys?

they're all looking so tired ;_; especially here.

image Click to view

i'm to the point of worried. i mean, usually when they're looking tired i would think 'oh, get some rest guys' but now i am far to the point of getting mad at cube for putting them through such a tough schedule! beautiful promotions are really stepping on the gas, really. and they look REALLYYYYYYYY TIRED. yoseob is catching a cold. and seung's dance moves are..... not seung.

seungseungseungseung my seung :'(
as my bias, i am really really really really worried about him. i've never see him dance so.. so... un-passionately, all my life knowing beast.

one message:
REST, MY ANGELS! <333333333

imworried, shit, b2st, life

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