Leigh!fic | Just A Game (1/1) | James Sirius Potter/Roxanne Weasley

Jan 31, 2015 21:55

Title: Just A Game (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Pairing: James Sirius Potter/Roxanne Weasley
Rating: PG-13
Summary A simple game of Truth or Dare turns into something more.
Word Count: 1,087
Author's notes: This was written as a gift for lightofdaye as part of my Summer 2014 Drabble Meme (which, yes, I realize it is now Winter 2015). Sorry this took so long, Daye, but I hope it's to your liking!

It was a game.

Truth or Dare. An innocent childhood game, played in the Gryffindor common room after all the younger students had gone to bed. It was all in good fun, really. Fred would sneak in the firewhiskey from Hogsmeade, and Becca Truscott had a way of charming the kitchen elves into supplying them with snacks.

There was only one rule: passing on telling the truth or fulfilling a dare was not allowed.

At the beginning, the questions were simple. Who did so and so have a crush on? Which professor did someone fancy? Had you ever cheated on an exam? (Of course, Rosie never had). The dares were even more tame. A boy had to try and sneak into the girls' dormitory, or a girl had to kiss one of the boys on the lips.

Until the time James dared Roxy to go swimming in the lake.

She couldn't refuse, of course. But he certainly hadn't expected her to flash an impish grin before she went running out of the common room and into the corridors.

A small group followed her, hissing as she skulked through the shadows. The rest of the group, James was certain, had gathered at the window to watch as Roxy sprinted across the lawn. It wasn't the most covert operation they'd ever undertaken, but they were of Weasley stock. She only paused to shed her shoes before diving into the black water.

James and Chase Corner watched from the shadows underneath a tower as she swam lazily across the surface. And he couldn't help but snicker when one long tentacle propelled her out of the water and back to the shore. Clearly, the Giant Squid was not a fan of late-night visitors.

Still, he couldn't help but admire her spunk when she marched up to the pair of them, clothes sopping wet and shoes in hand, and smirked. "Is that all you got, Potter?"

After that night, it quickly escalated into something more -- a private challenge betwixt himself and his cousin. Notes passed between classes or across the Great Hall during meals.

I dare you: Write a poem to Professor Longbottom's arse. Read it aloud during Herbology.

Result: one week's detention and an extremely awkward visit from her parents. Apparently, waxing poetic about their head of House's arse was frowned upon by his former classmates.

I dare you: Confess your feelings to your crush of the week. In the middle of breakfast, Potter. Whilst standing on the table.

Result: Three days detention, twenty points from Gryffindor, and one Stinging Hex to the bollocks. Needless to say, Isla Wood had not been impressed by James's confession.

I dare you: Sneak into the Slytherin dorms and steal Madeline Cornfoot's scarf.

Result: None, really. The entire castle had heard her screeching, but she'd never caught who did. She blamed her sister, Annaleigh. Of course.

See? It was all innocent.

Until the night it wasn't.

"I dare you to kiss Roxie." The grin on Isla's face was smug; she really hadn't liked being the object of everyone's attention that week after James' breakfast proclamation.

The revulsion on his face was clear. "She's my cousin, Wood!" Didn't the chit know there were lines that shouldn't ever be crossed?

The other players were whispering, but Isla just shrugged. "You know the rules, Potter."


James stood up and crossed the circle of sofas and chairs to where Roxie sat. Reaching for her face, he cupped it in his hand and pulled their lips together for a kiss.

It lasted no more than two seconds. Two seconds that slowed time. She tasted like peppermint, the hint of spice warm against his lips. When he pulled away, both their eyes were wide, her cheeks stained with a blush.

"Done." He spoke in a clipped tone as he strode back to his seat and fixed Isla with an imperious stare. "Next?"

Isla's eyes were full of disbelief, but she seceded victory to him with a curt nod. The others would whisper, of course, about the night James kissed his cousin, but they would move on.

But he could still feel her lips against his three nights later.

It was maddening. Roxie was his cousin. They'd grown up together. Her pops and his mum were siblings. They might as well be brother and sister, for as entangled as the Weasley family was. He shouldn't want to think about kissing her again -- or about other things. Things that were definitely naughtier than a peck on the lips.

James didn't want to think about her skin, light cocoa and smooth as silk. He didn't want to think about the way her breasts budded underneath her school uniform, or the smile that so often teased him into doing something foolish. Again. And he certainly didn't want to think of the way she tasted like peppermint.

He didn't want to dream of kissing her breasts. Of soft sighs and tight, dark curls. He was seventeen and full of male hormones. He could have any girl he wanted (well, almost. Isla was still repulsed by him), and he wanted to kiss and touch his sixteen year-old cousin.

The same cousin who wouldn't meet his gaze. Who avoided him in the corridors and the Common Room. If she looked at him, it was a fleeting glance before she looked away, color touching her cheeks.

The same cousin who, two weeks later, grabbed him by the wrist and tugged him into an empty classroom.

"Roxie, what are you...?"

She let his wrist go but did not otherwise move away. Her chest and rose and fall with her breath, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. He couldn't help but notice it -- he was a bloke. She had pretty lips, and a pretty tongue.

"Dare," she said softly. Her dark eyes flickered up to meet his. "Kiss me again."

This wasn't happening. Was it? "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yes."

God. James reached for her. His fingers buried in her tight, dark curls, cradling her head gently. But he was not gentle when his lips closed over hers. Roxanne gasped against his kiss, flicking her tongue against his, and he felt her body go pliant against his. When she moaned, he spun her around and pressed her tight against the wall, caging her body in with his own.

It was just a game.

When had it turned into something more?

character: roxanne weasley, summer 2014 drabble meme, character: james sirius potter, pairing: james sirius/roxanne, leigh!fic

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