It's 4am, and I just finished writing down a pretty bad nightmare (my shrink has told me to start writing them down). Maybe venting a bit will help me get my heart rate down enough to try to sleep again. I just read a blog post by my favorite cartoonist, Howard Taylor of
Schlock Mercenary, about the
Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games (CAR-PGa). It seems mostly intended to help out people suffering the 'OMG, isnt' D&D that thing that makes kids do satanic rituals and kill themselves?' bullshit.
In other news, as my good friend
zogathon fairly recently said, "2007 can let the door hit it on the ass on the way out." December was a bitch of a month. I don't feel like going into the detailed list, but the capping moment was the grisly post-Christmas murder-suicide of a couple who I don't know well but have some significant connections to. No, I'm not kidding or being melodramatic, an actual murder-suicide. Kinda puts the other problems in a bit of perspective, but doesn't lead to restful nights...
So check out the
CAR-PGa site, tell a gamer that you love them, and stay away from guns. I am inspired to use a phrase I generally dislike: Peace out.