The Start of 'A Kind of Fairytale'

May 16, 2006 13:55

Theme Set: Trouble in Paradise for stagesoflove
Author: venetia_sassy
Rating: G
Word Count: 5 x 100
Disclaimer: I own my imagination, nothing else.
Spoilers: S4 finale - Bloodlines and 5x10 No Humans Involved.
Author’s Note: This is a set of drabbles that are turning into the start of a larger series. This series assumes that Sara and Sofia were having a secret relationship in Season 4 and they broke up before the finale. They reconciled after the shifts were split, but their relationship remained secret. Mostly. It was the fourth drabble - Trusting You - that set this whole thing off. Ironically, I hadn't even seen the episode, I'd just read other fanfics that included the scene. I later saw a clip of the scene, but I'd already written the drabble. And having written the fourth, I had to go back and write the first three, didn't I? I may rewrite the first two when I get the S4 DVDs and actually figure out when they got together and when, precisely, they broke up.

Now, having rambled, here be fic.

A Kind of Fairytale

#1 Jealousy - Hate This Feeling

Sofia hated being jealous.

Jealous of Warrick and the way he talked music with Sara. Jealous of Nick and the easy, flirtatious banter they shared. Jealous of Greg and the way he flirted with Sara, making her laugh. Jealous of Catherine and the tension that might be something more than antagonism. Jealous of Grissom and the history they shared.

Sofia knew she had no reason to be jealous. Sara came home to her, confided in her, loved her.

But she knew why she was jealous. She was scared. Sara was her dream come true. What if…someone…took her beautiful dream away?

#2 First Fight - The Beginning of the End?

Sara sat on the couch, head in her hands, wondering what had gone so wrong. They’d had disagreements before. They were both strong-willed, passionate, of course they argued. But this was the first time they had actually fought.

A simple disagreement had somehow snowballed into a free-for-all over every insecurity in their relationship, ending with Sofia slamming out of the apartment.

Sara looked up as the door opened to see Sofia, tears on her face and flowers in her hand.

They talked, cried, kissed and made up, but deep down, Sara wondered if this was the beginning of the end.

#3 Breakup - All She Could Think About

Sara didn’t really want more beer but she didn’t want to go home either. She was happy for Nick, she was. He was a good CSI, he deserved promotion.

No, she had another reason for sitting here, drinking by herself. She had seen her today, looking so beautiful that Sara ached. She missed her. So much. The promotion might have been a distraction. But there was no promotion. And no Sofia.

Sara signaled for another beer.


It was Grissom who came to the stationhouse. He held her hand, he took her home.

And all Sara could think about was Sofia.

#4 Reconciliation - Trusting You

“I miss…”
“Being trusted.”

The conversation played in Sara’s mind as she made her way through the lab. She had heard all the pain and regret in that short conversation. She had heard the caring, the remembrance of intimacy, in Sofia’s voice.

“It’s going to take you forever to go through those alone.”

And she had heard the terseness of her own reply.

“I’ll get it done.”

Sara found Sofia in the locker room, sitting and staring at her hands.

“I trust you.”

The soft statement made Sofia look up sharply. Sara didn’t look away.

“And I miss you.”

#5 Make-up - Oblivious

Greg paused in the break room doorway, taking in the picture before him. Sofia sat on the couch, Sara beside her, Sara with her head resting on Sofia’s shoulder as she dozed, Sofia with one arm around her, playing with Sara’s hair.

It was so peaceful and intimate and loving that Greg couldn’t believe he was the only one who’d figured it out. Okay, this was almost the most blatant display he’d seen from them (locker room *cough*), but still. Had no one else around here noticed the sexual tension? Why was everyone assuming these ladies were after Grissom?


csi, sara/sofia, stagesoflove, fic

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