Velyr Pics

Aug 22, 2009 21:04

 A Velyr Photo-Essay

Warning: Really Graphics Intensive!

I saw an episode of "Bones" with a visiting Japanese professor who was one of those visual kei people - deliberately androgynous to the point of refusing to disclose their gender. The moment the actor/ess came onscreen, I was yelling "Velyr! VELYR!" (and my friends were rolling their eyes, because I do this a lot).

Here are some screen caps and some other photos I've had lying around, illustrating some factoids about velyr.

  Typical velyr no-expression, just observing whatever's going on and gathering data.

This is a velyr meeting a human. Just as Japanese culture, a bow is appropriate here.  

 Velyr have micro-expressions, which the camera catches nicely. This is disbelief.

 This micro-expression is mild irritation. Note the slightly lowered brows and tense upper lip.

 This is humor. Note the creases at the eyes and dimples in the cheeks.

 This is surprise. Note the slightly raised eyebrows and slackened jaw.

 Yes, I know what you think, but the flash of teeth is a mild threat, not a friendly grin.

Note the flattened face - good for hot, desert planets. Velyr also like dyed hair! 

 Velyr always have to look up to see human expressions - humans are so damned tall!

Again, always having to look up. Velyr like piercings as well as hair dye!  

 Notice the layers of clothing. Velyr are almost always cold in human comfort zones!

This is a listening pose - natural velyr ears are pointed, but they often disguise that.

More Velyr Photos:


Note the thin, wiry build - the child-like appearance - the androgyny.

Velyr play off the fact that they look like our youngsters! 

elves gone bad, velyr - wtf?, photoessay, it is what it is, like and equal are not the same thing, but wait ... there's more!, i contain multitudes, original of the species

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