(no subject)

Apr 02, 2024 18:57

I haven't felt well the past few days. I'm usually not depressed in the Spring but that's what it feels like the start of. Maybe I'd better make a more determined search for the rest of those 150 mg Wellbutrin tablets I got. They were in 2 bottles and I can only find one and I took all of those already. I sure hope I didn't throw them out by mistake.

Back to work tomorrow. Maybe it'll take my mind off whatever's going on. I think I'll try my natural sun lamp tomorrow and see if a week or so of light therapy will help.

Thursday is the monthly Sisters in Crime meeting so I have to hurry home from work and try to get set up as fast as possible. No dinner until the presentation is over, unfortunately. Maybe I should take a snack to work that day.

If I ever have any free time left again, I should resume writing Book 2 and re-editing Book 1...

reality interferes with my virtual life

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