(no subject)

Mar 17, 2024 09:59

So I drove to Columbia yesterday to attend the Palmetto Chapter's monthly meeting. They are so much more active than we are! We had a room full of people, both men and women, and lively conversations. The speaker was a romance author, which was a little surprising, but she had a lot of historical information that would be useful in a historical mystery story so it was interesting. I made a couple of contacts, mostly the president, and we are working on having that state-wide Zoom meeting with Kim G. about the national social media platform, Tradewings. We're going to ask our respective groups which date and time will work best for them. It was a long drive, but it turned out to be worth the effort to try to get the two groups working together. We're supposed to have a Lowcountry chapter, but nobody knows what happened to them.

Today J. and B. are coming over to help clean some more. We're going to try to get the chair back into the library so I'm not sitting in the middle of the living room again. Also, we can clear out some of the crap in the living room so Pip isn't sitting in the middle of a pile of junk. Then, I've got a SinC webinar on writing short stories, which should be useful. After that, I need to get some short stories read for the critique group tomorrow.

Oh, and I dropped my phone and broke a big hole in the screen. Time to upgrade anyway so I just put a new one on the phone plan...damn, they're expensive! I got more memory though, which will result in my being able to keep more photos and stuff. The camera on this model is supposed to be superior... it's the iPhone 15.

reality interferes with my virtual life

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