(no subject)

Oct 07, 2023 15:50

OK the laptop has been restored to me, which allows me to work on my paid stories and plots, thank goodness. My knee still hurts abominably, but my consult with the surgeon is only about a week away now, so that's something to look forward to. I also found that we keep an old ice pack in the work freezer, which I can use when I sit down at work. I'll have to remember to take my home ice pack on Wednesdays however, because I don't think the other pharmacy has anything.

Today I am virtually attending a workshop with Sisters in Crime, with classes on Plot Twists, Time & Pacing, Authentic Voice, & even Marketing on a Budget. Of course, I am at J's house for lunch, so I'm watching it while listening to the gang's anime videos in the background...

And I am trying to come down with something because I have an annoying tickle in my throat. I'm popping zinc tablets every two hours to try to kill it off before it takes hold. That usually works well. Of course, if it's COVID again, it probably won't touch it... wouldn't that just be wonderful?

Tomorrow my three new windows will be installed, which will be great. We've been trying to schedule this for the past month, with either me working on the crew's available days or one-half of the crew going into emergency appendicitis surgery when I'm free! It will be a relief to finally have my old battered windows replaced. I need to hire these guys to paint them every year from now on, too, so they don't get so weather-beaten.

I'll be getting an extra few hours of work next week, too, if the boss ends up going to his temple as he is supposed to do. At the moment, it's up in the air, but I may be working from 2pm to 6pm Friday. That will make up for a little of the time I lost at the beach.

reality interferes with my virtual life, don't get between me and my coffee, the fall will probably kill you, how can you stop writing?, half a year up and half a year down

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