(no subject)

Jul 29, 2022 15:49

And in the "What Did I Just Set Myself Up For?" Category ... I have volunteered (I know, right?) to help out on a Women Writing the West contest committee. I'll admit, I was thinking we'd have a whole heap of people on this thing --- there are six of us.

The president (of the group, not just the committee) wants us to try to hold a contest THIS YEAR, not next, as I'd assumed. So we're scrambling trying to come up with press releases, a website, logos & images, prize certificates, etc. We also need to screen the entries before the judges see them, so that's going to be a chore in itself.

So far, I've written the press release & am working on wordage for the website. We have a website creator working on that, as well as a designer who's coming up with the images for us. We'll get everything set up, then create a poster the teachers can print out for their school cork boards - with a QR code for the kids to scan linking to our website coz you know they're not going to copy down a website URL from a poster!

I think I might have to create a new gmail account just for this thing, since I've been getting so much email back & forth. I hate to think what it's going to be like once the entries start coming in (yes, I volunteered to be a screener, too ... maybe I need my head examined).

reality interferes with my virtual life, why is the rum gone?, it is what it is, don't get between me and my coffee, crivens!, how can you stop writing?

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