Catch-Up Post

Nov 29, 2021 10:33

Let's see... what happened between August and November...?

We had a relaxing week at Garden City Beach, near Myrtle if anyone knows where that is. I will post photos as soon as I figure out how to hook up my camera card to the new computer, which does NOT have a USP port!! Next year I think we'll try Edisto Beach. It's a little further away but BF-and-former-FB says he's done with Georgetown County, SC and wants somewhere that doesn't remind him of his childhood. Rental houses should be about the same, if not a little less expensive, in Edisto, so that will even out. I even have a possibility already.

Halloween was a bit of a let-down this year. Not nearly as many kids as we usually get, probably a toss-up between Halloween being on a school night and COVID making parents nervous. Our favorite costumes were a family of four dressed as John, Paul, George, and Ringo. We still had a ton of candy left over though ...

Spent Thanksgiving at the sister's house. Nephew napped most of the day. I suggested he have his doctor check his thyroid and iron levels coz he shouldn't be this tired all the time. We watched Wheel of Time and a sci-fi/horror flick called The Tomorrow War. It ended well, so I enjoyed most of it (except for all the jumping out and people getting eaten ... I hate jumping out stuff). The meal was good except that the sister still has no sense of taste or smell so she has trouble seasoning the food. And she tried something different with the dressing this year, but it was OK. Christmas I believe will be my turn to provide the meat for our dinner. Not sure if we'll have turkey or ham yet.

I have passed the 50,000 word mark for NaNoWriMo but will keep writing until December 1 so I can get the "I Posted Every Day" know how I love my badges!

i must go down to the sea again, can you watch too many movies?, don't get between me and my coffee, like and equal are not the same thing, but wait ... there's more!, open channel d, you can't choose your family, na-no-wri-mo

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