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Aug 29, 2021 22:43

Getting close to time for our beach trip... and boy, do I need a vacation this year! We've set aside next weekend as House Cleaning Weekend so we can get everything packed up and the house decluttered before we leave. We need to get everything out of the library so we can use it as a staging area for the totes and baskets and boxes. That's totes with linens and towels in them because I'll be darned if I pay hundreds of dollars for linen service when I can just bring my own sheets and towels. And baskets for the beach stuff like games and floats and sunscreen and snorkels and puzzles. We'll also have a box of booze -- not that we drink that much, but because we like to experiment with different flavors and try out new cocktails. I also need to pack the beach bags full of card games and coloring books and pencils. I have pretty much every set of Cards Against Humanity that they've ever made, so that takes one bag alone...

This year we have rented a condo because there are just four of us going. Although there might only be three if P.R. can't find someone to help him out. One of his coworkers has a medical emergency in their family and is trying to take over his week off even though he's already paid for everything. I call unfair on that but maybe he can get someone from another store to help out and work for them some other week in exchange. Anyway, the condo is oceanfront (of course) but it also has a pool, which will be nice for non-salty swimming. And Bar doesn't really like swimming in the ocean because it's too rough for her, so a pool will be fun for everyone. The only downside of the condo is that there are no elevators, but the houses we rent don't have elevators either. I picked one that was just on the second floor so we only have to schlep stuff up and down one flight of steps.

I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch listening to the surf roll in. Hopefully we won't have any crazy hurricane weather between now and the end of September. We have never had our vacation ruined by a hurricane but one year it was a very close shave ... one came through the week before our trip so everything was still flooded when we drove down. Keep your fingers crossed that our luck holds out this year too.

games n geeks n nerds oh my, still haven't found what i'm looking for, that'll do!, the road goes ever on and on, i must go down to the sea again, travel broadens your mind

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