(no subject)

Aug 12, 2021 09:20

Working on a story for Cossmass Infinities. They take submissions the first week of every month so I've got plenty of time. I submitted a story to Cricket Magazine for their "Ancient History" theme so keep your fingers crossed. I also finished an article on "Affiliate Marketing" and an Amish romance plot, so I will get those paychecks at least.

In work-related news, we're starting to do more outdoor clinics, which is hot and tiring since we have to wear plastic surgical gowns, N95 masks, and gloves to test. By the end of the day your gown is literally dripping wet with sweat. I'm hoping I get scheduled mostly for the indoor stuff

Looking forward to the beach trip next month. I need to de-clutter the house again before Bar gets here though, so she has a place to sleep and a clean floor to set her suitcases down on! The roomie and I are clutter-bugs and have a bad habit of tossing stuff down wherever there's a clear space instead of putting it back where it belongs. Especially mail and newspapers ... I need to recycle a ton of those. And actually take the recycling bin out to the curb ...

that's a good deal?, reality interferes with my virtual life, blinded by science, velyr - wtf?, crivens!, how can you stop writing?

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