(no subject)

May 09, 2021 10:15

Happy Mother's Day to anyone celebrating. I have been invited to J&B's place for lunch...not sure what we're having but free lunch is free lunch!

I got a very nice rejection from Triangulations for the "Habitats" anthology. I made the short list but didn't have enough "sustainable elements" to make the final cut. Shortlisted is good, even if I didn't end up in the anthology.

At work, our team is getting split up. They are reorganizing and since we don't have a team lead, we are being reassigned to various places based on our home health department. Maybe I won't have to drive quite as far for the clinics. There are also going to be openings for actual DHEC jobs coming up because of this reorganization. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be applying! I'd love a secure position, even if the state doesn't pay nearly as much as retail would. The lack of stress would make it worth the pay cut, assuming I can still pay my bills with the salary. Have to find that out before I actually sign anything...

I'm off to Starbucks in a while so I have something fairly healthy to drink at J&B's place. I'll have time to listen to "Elevations" on U2-XRadio first though. I almost always enjoy the show because they find some really interesting people to interview. Last week it was a robotics scientist talking about robot empathy.

that's a good deal?, 15 schnitzengruben is my limit, best friends are part of your soul, reality interferes with my virtual life, don't get between me and my coffee, but wait ... there's more!, get off the road you fecking bastahd, like and equal are not the same thing, how can you stop writing?

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