(no subject)

Nov 29, 2020 10:35

I'm being asked to come up with another Amish romance plot ... anybody got any ideas? The publisher has another writer who thinks along the same lines as I do, so I often suggest a plot only to have her go "We just did one very similar to that."

Finishing up the parenthood tale this morning (I hope) and then I might take a little break and play some World of Warcraft. The new expansion is interesting, with new areas to explore and new lore to learn. I might run the story past my TWWS critique buddies if they have time to look at it today.

I'm also plotting tours for the New Orleans trip. Already booked the psychic reading of course, but I'm thinking of a Creole Christmas walking tour that evening (or maybe Saturday night). We need to see some decorations, natch, since it's going to be decorated for the holidays, but I also want to fit in some regular tours. They offer pub crawls of all variety, food tours (and a cooking class), ghost tours, voodoo tours, history tours, and even a behind-the-scenes Mardi Gras tour. We won't have time to do everything in only three and a half days, but I'd like to have a basic outline of options. A Revillion dinner is a must (you eat dinner after midnight), as is a trip to City Park to see the Christmas decorations. Fine jazz is also on the ticket, plus a trip to the cemeteries. We'll be riding the ferry since the rental house is across the river from downtown, and definitely riding the streetcars to get around. I've already downloaded the app so we can publish our Jazzy Passes (streetcar, ferry, and bus included). We can also track the streetcars via the app so we don't have to wonder when it's going to arrive.

Technically, I've "won" NaNoWriMo since my tally is over 50,000 words total, but I'm not counting it as an actual novel by any means. It's not even a real anthology, as I've only written a few stories during November. Oh, and I got a rejection from Asimov's magazine finally (a form one of course) ... that's quite a long turn-around time they've got. I've already sent the same story over to Analog so we'll see what happens. I might need to tweak it a bit more, add some more "science fiction" props into what's basically a private-eye-noir story.

My sister turned me onto a new channel on Amazon ... the IMDB channel. They have old mystery shows like Columbo and Murder She Wrote. It's a free channel, but you have to "pay" by watching short adverts during the show. Just like television ...

I have to decide whether or not I'm going to put up a Christmas tree this year. This will involve de-cluttering the library (which does need to be done sometime soon) and digging everything out of the garage. Some years, I even get the spirit enough to decorate the stair rails and mantel. The outside will get decorated either way, as that's just a matter of stringing lights along the porch rail and hanging up the lighted snowflakes. There are lighted "presents" that sit on the steps, too, but everything is "plug in and go" so it only takes a few minutes to set it up.

Remember if you'd like an IRL card from me, message me your address and let me know if you'd like to send me one so I can message you my address in return (that part's optional).

games n geeks n nerds oh my, that'll do!, mind the gap, velyr - wtf?, best friends are part of your soul, all that is gold does not glitter, but wait ... there's more!, travel broadens your mind, half a year up and half a year down, how can you stop writing?

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