(no subject)

Nov 27, 2020 11:47

It's that time again -- time to start thinking about Christmas.

Who wants to send IRL cards this year? If I sent you one last year, I still have your address but if you'd like me to add you to my list just message me with your IRL address and I'll send you a bonafide South Carolina Christmas card! I'll reply with my IRL address so you can send one if you'd like (I don't get my feelings hurt if you don't, though. I do get a kick out of sending cards and supporting our postal service).

I may even put up my tree sometime before the end of the month (if I can roust myself and clear out some of the clutter in the library). Not sure when the boys are going to decorate the outside but I'm sure they'll do a good job as always. I need to dig the wreaths and stuff out for them ...

Working on that parenthood story that's due December 1 ... cutting it close, I know. I may not get to all the anthologies I'd like to enter. At least I have a good velyr story for the parenthood piece and my ancient god's tale is done but for editing. I might skip "Derelict" and move straight into "When Worlds Collide" after this. Then there are two due in February and one in April (so far) that I have to plan. I'm thinking of using Baba Yaga for "Upon a Once Time," which is supposed to be a mixture of two different fairy tales, preferably fairly obscure and from different cultures. Maybe she can team up with Sinbad or something.

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Ours was nice, with turkey and dressing and homemade gravy. There was pecan pie for those who aren't allergic and I had lemon meringue with my coffee. We watched an old Columbo movie and "Scrooge" (the one with Albert Finney) to get us in the Christmas mood. We only had three of us so we were well within safe limits for visitation. We'll get together again on Christmas. It's a long-ass drive, especially since I have to go 20 minutes in the opposite direction to pick up my nephew, but it's the only time we can get together.

Message me if you want a card -- I'm writing the annual Christmas Letter now.

best friends are part of your soul, that'll do!, mind the gap, but wait ... there's more!, velyr - wtf?, how can you stop writing?

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