(no subject)

Nov 12, 2020 12:22

I have awakened with what I can only describe with the cliche term "splitting headache." It seems to originate at the base of my skull but it's hurting all the way around the top of my head too. I never get headaches that aren't sinus-related and have no idea why I have this one. I'm under no more tension than usual, so that's not it. Maybe I need new pillows ... could a crick in the neck cause a headache?

I stopped at Starbucks to see if a good, solid dose of caffeine will ease this headache since 2 aspirin have only reduced it to a dull roar (with associated nausea of course).

Nearly done with the Xochipilli story for "The Modern Deity's Guide to Surviving Humanity." I hope they like it well enough to go into the anthology. I think it's original but who knows what else they're getting? I've also been posting regularly on my blogs so I'm counting that as part of my NaNoWriMo daily word count -- hey, it's work I have to do anyway.

Next up is an Amish romance plotline for UpWork. I get around $0.01 a word up to 3K for a plotline, but it's fairly steady money so I'm not knocking it. This one's going to be a "second time around" plot with a widow and a widower who dislike one another initially. Those are always fun to figure out how to turn their feelings around. I'll start on that once I see if the caffeine helps. And I think the exercise is good for my creative muscles.

After I finish the god story and the Amish plot, I'll probably try out "Don't Touch That!" It's SFF with the theme of parenthood. I can use a velyr viewpoint for that, so that will kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, as I'm eventually going to want to put out an anthology of velyr tales. With that done, I may try for another December 1 due date and go for "The Art of Being Human" or I may skip that and go with one of the other end-of-the-year anthologies.

The Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendars are out if you're interested. This year it's a Nordic-themed village and there's even more to do in "your" cottage (several jigsaw puzzles instead of one, several card games, and lots to click on and change). And it's not even December so the daily links haven't even started up. I love their calendars -- so imaginative and intricate. I like to leave it running and just watch the little characters walking and riding about, doing whatever little characters do with their daily lives.

I've also made an appointment to get a "Real ID" so I can fly to New Orleans next month. SC is one of the states with driver's license cards that don't fulfill whatever the countrywide qualifications are, so you have to apply for a special license if you want yours to qualify. Seems ridiculous to me -- why not just upgrade our usual IDs so they're legal? Unfortunately, the first available appointment was NEXT Thursday -- sheesh.

Well, I should get back to my writing so I can get the daily word count done. Stay safe and keep writing!

that's a good deal?, gravity is a hard habit to shake off, but wait ... there's more!, velyr - wtf?, i contain multitudes, crivens!, how can you stop writing?

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