(no subject)

Oct 08, 2020 14:35

4 more days of antibiotics ... I've got to start eating some yogurt to try and build my intestinal flora back up again! This is the first time I've taken nitrofurantoin and it's nearly as bad on the GI tract as Augmentin.

Got my 12-Stories-in-12-Months short story posted (still need to critique 4 on the website as part of the challenge) and posted my Insecure Writer's Support Group post reasonably on time (on the right day, if not early in the morning). Their anthology is judging November-December, so we should find out whether we're in the thing or not in January. I have hopes my story will make it in -- if I do say so myself, it was a bang-up space opera tale.

This month I'm working on a story for Kevin J. Anderson's "Masks" anthology and thinking about a couple due November 1 (Boucheron: Second Time Around and the Ninth Letter edition with a theme of "touch"). Also thinking about NaNoWriMo -- if I get a decent job, I might not have much time to play with, but then again, I can always work on short stories and pretend I'm doing an anthology of my own ...

There are three anthologies due by the end of the year -- all by Zombies Need Brains. The Modern Deity's Guide to Surviving Humanity, Derelict, and When Worlds Collide. I'm aiming to send something in for each of those, plus whatever else pops up in November/December.

I've got 2 virtual conferences I'm attending next week: Women Writing the West as JES Hays and OctiConIRL as EJ Murray. Octocon is an Irish writing conference that seems fun and the WWW conference looks downright useful. I'll have to make sure I have the right hat on though -- space helmet for the sci-fi and cowboy hat for WWW.

Also doing some concrete planning for the New Orleans trip for my birthday. I'm thinking one of those hop-on/hop-off bus tours one day, a walking tour of some sort (they have "pay what you want" tours that sound fun -- like a cocktail tour, an Xmas tour, and a cemetary tour), and maybe afternoon tea and a "Revillon" dinner (which starts after midnight). Anybody got any "must see" stops in the city?

i live in my own little world, velyr - wtf?, best friends are part of your soul, the road goes ever on and on, all that is gold does not glitter, don't get between me and my coffee, but wait ... there's more!, crivens!, travel broadens your mind, how can you stop writing?

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