(no subject)

Sep 23, 2020 12:06

It's the middle of the week already! We've had lots of downtime and plenty of games and tv watching -- plus lots of porch-sitting as well. J has wimped out and gone home - he misses his wife and cat.

Tonight is putt-putt night (or tomorrow). Last night was arcade night at the pier and fun was had by all. I'm nearly halfway through with my mask story and working on some CE credits that may help me get a better pharmacy job.

As promised, here is a variety of photos for your viewing pleasure:

I may make one more post before we head back home ...

games n geeks n nerds oh my, that'll do!, i must go down to the sea again, velyr - wtf?, best friends are part of your soul, it is what it is, why is the rum gone?, all that is gold does not glitter, but wait ... there's more!, like and equal are not the same thing, how can you stop writing?, travel broadens your mind

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