(no subject)

Sep 11, 2020 09:38

Currently in the auto service center kissing several hundred dollars good-bye. I do have some coupons but it's really going to hurt my wallet today! And it's got to be done coz we're driving to the coast next weekend.

Heard back from one contest already -- did not make the short-list on that one. Have not heard from the other two so maybe I'm still in the running... I'm going to flesh the story out and see if I can sell it to one of the sci-fi magazines as a comedy piece.

Beach trip in 7 days and counting. Bar's plane will arrive next Friday evening ... her airline seems to love getting her here right at rush hour so we'll be heading out about two hours ahead of time so we avoid the parking lot on the interstate. Saturday morning we will have our traditional Tommy's Ham House breakfast before heading out on the four-hour trip. Check-in isn't until 3pm so there's no hurry to leave. Man do I need a week at the beach though ...

that's a good deal?, i must go down to the sea again, velyr - wtf?, best friends are part of your soul, but wait ... there's more!, like and equal are not the same thing, travel broadens your mind, how can you stop writing?, crivens!

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