(no subject)

Jul 07, 2020 20:26

Got one Amish Sweet Romance plotline accepted (It's only $60 but they don't take me more than a couple of hours to whip up) and one 1500-word article about window shades done (yet to be paid but it will be $30). Now I need to find some bigger-project clients to pay the damn mortgage ...

Working on character notebooks for Lontano and Tel -- I buy a large Moleskine notebook and have a set series of questions (see my website for The Last Character Sheet You'll Ever Need. That way, I get a much clearer idea of who my characters are.

I'm also working on a downloadable pdf of 365 Word Prompts from 2019 I can post on the Patreon site for an extra reward. Since I do one prompt a day over on the TWWS Critique Group site, all I'm doing is copying those down and dressing them up a bit.

Had dinner with J and his wife (and Fitz the Cat) and watched part of Knives Out (until the roomie had to head back home since he's on opening shift in the morning).

Tomorrow is How To Actually Revise a Whole Book over at Jericho Writers and a visit with my therapist before my foot surgery next week. I've also scheduled a Friday appointment with the massage therapist for the same reason. Wish me luck that the surgery does as well as that shot did!

games n geeks n nerds oh my, the road goes ever on and on, it is what it is, meat and three veg, like and equal are not the same thing, velyr - wtf?, how can you stop writing?

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