(no subject)

Jul 05, 2020 10:20

Spent the day at "the farm" - what's at this point a vacant tract out in the country owned by J's in-laws. Large cleared field that will become the pony pasture, some woods (with quite healthy poison ivy) and what purports to be a river but is actually a large creek at this stage of its life.

We had a generator so there was a fan and classic-rock music in the background. Some of us made out way down to the creek and set up our chairs in the water but most of us stayed under the tent and enjoyed the afternoon sunlight. It was really hot but there was a breeze and some cloud cover that rolled over and briefly threatened rain. I spent the afternoon working on song lyrics since there was obviously no computer access ... I made significant progress on Highway Down, though I think it needs a third verse.

I'll have to have a scene somewhere - Tel and party hosting an outdoor "do" with Tano trying desperately to stay in the shade ...

Fireworks were set off: some very nice high bangs courtesy of L. and also nice fountains by yours truly. I believe a good time was had by all. Next year no fireworks as the ponies will have been moved in by then. They're planning on 2-3 houses and a barn on the property -- the main house and what the Amish would call doudi houses only for the kids instead of grandma and grandpa.

i live in my own little world, best friends are part of your soul, gravity is a hard habit to shake off, velyr - wtf?, how can you stop writing?

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