(no subject)

Jun 26, 2020 20:04

So far the content writing gig is going well. I've got a couple of regulars. One wants two 4K word articles and a batch of emails every month and the other is after 1500 word articles about various topics for his blog. Neither is paying huge amounts, but it's regular money for fairly easy work so I'm not complaining. On the plus side, I'm learning a lot about things like podcasting and window coverings !

And I've got a guy who may want me to edit his manuscript. So far I've signed a nondisclosure document for it, but he hasn't emailed the thing to me as yet. This would be a big deal because he said it's nearly 200K and at 2cents a word, that would be practically a month's rent for me ...

I'm going back through the novel again, looking for things like "telling" instead of "showing" because we had a recent webinar on that topic. So far I've found a couple of lines but I'm going to try to ferret out as much as possible before an agent asks for the full manuscript.

Our homeowner's association has started something new -- a mini farmer's market every other Thursday evening down at the clubhouse. We stopped by yesterday and got some very nice looking porkchops, some cube-steak, lots of fresh veggies, some local honey, elderberry tea, and strawberry and blueberry jelly.

Starting to look forward to the beach trip. Not sure everyone is going this time ... B and A might bow out because of the virus. But even if they do, the rest of us will have a good time. And then there's New Orleans. I really need to find out who's planning to attend so I can rent a house or get some hotel rooms going.

best friends are part of your soul, it is what it is, blinded by science, mind the gap, but wait ... there's more!, like and equal are not the same thing, velyr - wtf?

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