(no subject)

Jun 11, 2020 19:45

Pip and I went to Landsford Canal State Park today. Jer was supposed to go with, but he got guilt-tripped into redoing his office instead. The trip didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. Unlike my velyr, I do not get rid of heat efficiently at all. I sweat very little and being overweight doesn't help. So we got maybe halfway down the 1.5-mile trail and I had to turn around and come back, although at several points there was a sincere question of whether or not I was actually going to make it back without throwing up or passing out. However, I made it down to the river and a picnic table in the shade. After 15-20 minutes I was cool enough to stagger back to the car and turn on the AC. I tried to talk Pip into going back and doing the rest of the hike but he didn't want to.

Chapter 41 was not The End but I really must wrap it up in Chapter 42 because I'm going over my self-appointed word-count budget of 100K. I'm going to have to read through once more and do some scene-cutting I guess. Plus I need an Epilogue ...

best friends are part of your soul, get off the road you fecking bastahd, velyr - wtf?, travel broadens your mind

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