(no subject)

May 12, 2020 12:17

Did my first reading for the local writer's group last night. We've been doing Zoom meetings for the past month and since I'm not working Monday nights, I've been attending.

I submitted part of Chapter 1, to mixed reviews. Several of them weren't sci-fi readers and felt totally lost. Most of them said I have a talent for worldbuilding and dialogue, but they wanted some more descriptions in the first bit. I'm struggling to add those naturally, for the POV character isn't going to be studying his friends going "His dark brown hair curled over his equally dark face, making his gray eyes stand out," or "The four of them stood in a windowless room on an upper floor of the underground colony." How in Hell do you describe something totally familiar to your POV character anyhow? It's not like I look at my friends and suddenly think "Wow, he's White" or "I never noticed she has blonde hair"?

Anyhow, that's what I'm working on this morning. Listening to Netflix as I work, though I've picked Back to the Future III, the one where they're back in the Old West. I should put Star Trek on to have some sci-fi in the background. It's got to be something I've already seen a few times, or I hear a line and want to flip back and start watching the show instead of writing.

all that is gold does not glitter, humor is reason gone mad, the clocks were striking thirteen, how can you stop writing?

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