(no subject)

May 11, 2020 14:51

Sitting here with my favorite Starbucks drink working on the novel. No offers for cheap labor yet from UpWork so I'll work on my own not-so-cheap labor instead.

My favorite drink is a Flat White, which is basically a latte made with whole milk. The three shots are pulled ristretto, however, which means pulling them before the last bitter dregs start to seep out. It's a smooth, slightly sweet coffee to which I generally add a couple of raw sugar packets for that perfect caramel flavor. The Flat White is also poured very, very slowly (when done properly) so the foam is all on the top in a pretty little white dot.

I have my new website up and running also: 7 Ravens

AAND ... I have decided that my birthday this December shall be weird and fantastic. I'll be 60 years old, which is amazing as I feel no older than 25 on the inside. I think I shall orchestrate a trip to New Orleans. I'll spring for a vacation house for the weekend (which will cost about as much as a whole week at Garden City Beach but after all, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity) and arrange outings and activities for the gang. I'm expecting 10-12 people if all goes well. I think it'll be wondrous and memorable, which is what I need.

best friends are part of your soul, the road goes ever on and on, it is what it is, crivens!, how can you stop writing?, travel broadens your mind

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