(no subject)

Jul 11, 2013 18:55

I've decided to make a serious effort to get myself back into shape. I'm going on "Weight Watchers" - well, easing into it, on the advice of my doctor. Evidently, sudden caloric plummets affect mood as well as blood sugar, and as I'm both bipolar and have diabetes on both sides of the family, he wants me to make certain that neither condition is affected. I'm doing a modified "point" count for a week or so, not really trying to make everything diet food but keeping track of what I eat and picking healthy food over junk. Then, once my body gets over the shock of this (LOL) I can switch to total "Weight Watchers" diet foods.

Of course, the hardest thing is going to be giving up my Mexican Cokes! I'm going to cut back the intake by half every week (or so) until I'm down to nothing. Then, I can allow myself one as a special treat every once in a great while, the way I do with rum'n'cokes or pina coladas.

I'm also going to increase my activity. pipmudturtle is going to start back exercising with me, one way or another, even if we just walk the mile down to the main road and back. Shhh ... don't tell him yet!

reality interferes with my virtual life, half a year up and half a year down

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