The Saga of the Dental Surgery Continues

Apr 18, 2012 11:34

This being a new thing for me, it continues to be interesting. Now I see why the surgeon insisted that I take three days off to recuperate instead of two. I look like a chipmunk who's been at the sunflower seeds, and a lovely set of bruises has begun developing along the jawline. The pain was worst yesterday, as can be expected (it's always worse the second day after any injury), and is starting to ease off today. I should be fine to work tomorrow.

Last night we had our second storm of the season -- all lightning and wind. It was so windy that the rain sounded like sleet hitting the windows. It also blew down power lines somewhere, because right in the middle of my typing, the room went black.

Fortunately, I am a gender-non-specific-cyberbeing who likes candles. I soon had the house cheerfully lit so that pipmudturtle didn't have to fumble his way inside when he got back from his dad's house. We then decided to decamp for Denny's and have a hot meal. I'm still on soft foods for three more days, so I had eggs and grits* -- and the power was still out when we got home. It didn't come back on until around 3am, but I wasn't allowed to sleep through it, because the alarm company called -- to tell me the power had been out! *headdesk*

*Off on a tangent: for those of you who are not Southerners. A short monologue about grits. There is no such thing as one grit. You either get grits or you get nothing. Grits are ground corn which is boiled until it is a sort of porridge. Some oddballs eat it as such, with sugar and milk, but most True Southerners eat it with salt and butter. You have to have something, as grits unadorned is one of the blandest vegetable side dishes invented -- next to poi. As a hot, soft accompaniment to scrambled eggs, grits cannot be beat.

reality interferes with my virtual life, meat and three veg, the clocks were striking thirteen, southernisms

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