(no subject)

Jan 23, 2012 11:32

Further updates:

Sister continues to improve. The doctor (reluctantly, but under insistence) allowed her to go home Friday night. I've mentioned that normal people would have stayed in hospital being waited on hand and foot, but she was dead set on getting home and waiting on herself. I let her have Saturday to herself, but spent yesterday afternoon with her. Found out she'd let nephew have the family DVD player, so I stopped and got her an inexpensive model that was on sale, and we watched "Abyss" again while chatting. Nephew was there when I arrived, but she made him go home once the movie was over -- she's standing firm about not allowing him to stay, which I applaud. He gets so blasted negative and angry over everything! Nobody wants that around when they're trying to recuperate from major surgery!

My sister is one of "those" Facebook addicts -- posts every little thing, chats with her friends (of which she has over 100), and plays all the games. I have a Facebook account -- for my author's byline -- I think I have 20 friends, all people I know in real life. I don't play any games and rarely post -- I suppose I'll change that if I ever sell any books.

I'm working a different store for two weeks -- they've had some sort of "situation" which necessitates moving the person from that store, and they've decided I'm the person they need to fill in until the permanent person can get there. This is both flattering and worrisome, as my mind can fill in any number of negative reasons someone would need to be pulled out of their home store at the last minute (and it was last minute, as they called in the other pharmacist to cover the store until I could leave mine and drive across town!). On the plus side, they do feel that I do a good enough job to be a good temporary partner for the fellow. On the minus side, the store has a drive-through window -- I despise drive-through windows! The customers think you're a McDonalds restaurant and expect to sit there and wait for their prescriptions; they usually get irate when you tell them how long your wait time really is.

The t_w_w_s blog is going well, though. I've managed to post something every day, which is more than I do on any of my other projects! It's mostly writing prompts, which require little thought and 5 seconds to post, so I don't see any problem keeping it going. I'm hoping we'll attract some new members and get more people posting, but I suspect that many of our "old" members aren't bloggers. Some of us really are "old" -- or at least over 50. I do add the occasional article or book overview, with writing tips and hints, when I have an hour or so to spare. I think it's a pretty handy little blog for us writers!

Another thing which seems to be going well is the re-write of "Outlaw Security" into first-person POV. I've had a suggestion to leave the beginning in third -- the train robbery. berealexander thinks it would be a nice touch to have that distanced, almost like reading one of Jess' dime novels. She said it was more exciting not knowing what Jess was thinking in that scene, and having to wonder if the whole scheme would work out for them.

I'm doing a general clean-up as I re-write, too -- much cutting of extraneous material, tightening up the rambling scenes, and adding more little touches (like Jess playing cards to keep his hands supple or compulsively categorizing everyone he sees, or Kye tinkering and blacksmithing). So far, I've rearranged enough to need a new chapter outline, so it must be working out. I've heard you should cut about half of what you've written when you edit ....

pipmudturtle and I continue to live together amicably -- we do get on one another's nerves occasionally, as both of us are slobs in different ways (he tends to leave out dirty dishes and take-out boxes, and I tend to let things pile up rather than putting them away), but thus far nothing that hasn't been solvable by talking. We usually play World of Warcraft at night when we get off work -- it's much more fun with another person in the same room to talk to, instead of relying on the IM in the game!

I'm off to my final session of group therapy tonight. Lately, it just seemed as if I had nothing to contribute, and was going just to listen to everyone else's problems and try to help them solve them. I still have issues -- as a bipolar, I can't see ever reaching a point where I don't need a little outside help to keep an even keel -- but I think my individual therapist and psychiatrist and I can handle those. I'm making a revised edition of the little cartoon book I made when I first joined group -- it consists of the tenets of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as illustrated by cartoons from my favorite strip, "Rose is Rose." The writer used to be "in the field" as they say, and tosses in a lot of psychiatric undertones. I always pass out a copy of this little book to new members, as I think it's a more fun way to learn the terms than the dry book that the group leader uses!

For now, I'm off to check on my WikiAnswers categories -- still trying to weed through the Fiction Writing categories I've adopted! -- and do some more editing on the book.

I also need to check in on aliassmithjones and make sure people are posting regularly!

twws critique group, reality interferes with my virtual life, uno dos tres quatorce, gravity is a hard habit to shake off

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