Apr 19, 2005 20:27
ladies and gentlemen
i am proud to announce
that we are a. o.k.
prom was phenominal
i had an incredible time.
there's only one thing that i can think of that would have made it better.
everyone looked beautiful and i had an awesome time.
didn't have any problems with people
no one had problems with me
or at least none apparent
don't have any pictures or anything developed yet cause i didn't use up the whole roll and i haven't moved up enough in technology to have a digital camera... actually i think my mom has one, she just hasn't even opened it yet.
today i went to LSU
did lots of belly dancing with hannah and freshmen
danced with some army officers
and freshmen boys.
my favorite...
beacham, khader, and danny
getting money
(a cracker in beacham's case)
from people by belly dancing for them
soooo very entertaining