1.92.3.E Beard

Feb 05, 2008 22:54


The Master never bothered with a beard at the Academy. In fact, his first incarnation's theatrical tendencies expressed themselves in a more Gallifreyan fashion - brightly coloured robes and overly ornate cowls, just like the villains in Into the Vortex.

Nowadays, he's gone too far in the other direction, all black clothing and suaveness. He can't possibly have got that from Gallifrey. I suspect he's been on Earth just a little too long for his own good.

Though the beard does add a touch of je ne sais quoi to his appearance. And the whole style does fit with his personal style..melodrama villain...even if it's another world's clichés that he's adopted currently.

He always did like playing the bad guy. I never thought he'd take it this far. He was much more sensible back in our Academy days.

It's a pity really. We were such good friends once.

Third Doctor
Doctor Who
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