Mar 03, 2009 15:55
How am I supposed to get a job when I have no experience and when I'm applying for jobs that have nothing to do with a criminology degree because there's nothing else out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
You think my parents would be more encourgaing but noooo! They nag me to get a job and then when I go and apply for one they tell me it's a stupid choice, or it has nothing to do with what I went to school for, or I am flat out just not qualified for it!!!!
Like what the fuck!!!
I applied to a salon, and two chiropractic offices, one of them I had an impromptu interview I'm hoping he doesn't call cause he seemed kind of weird and the office didn't look as nice of a place as the other chiropractic office!
I don't know what the fuck else to look for though, I don't want a job a McDonald's or something!
So if you guys hear of any job openings that have something to do with a criminology degree, or you just think I would be flat out good at, or flat out like it, please let me know! If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to tell me! Please!
I can't work for my dad anymore, this has been going on for too long!!!
- The Almighty Depressed and Feeling Useless One!