1) Transformers fandom: At the end of the first movie (yeah, movie verse is my only exposure to canon), instead of being destroyed the Allspark (being a multidimensional object) shrank to the size of a speck and was inhaled by Sam. Everyone thinks that it was destroyed until Sam randomly starts giving life to objects he touches. The US government's reaction to this is to order he be held away from all technology so he's sequestered away to a cabin in the woods were the most technologically advanced thing he can touch is a wood burning stove. Meanwhile the Autobots and the decepticons have renewed their fight with vigor, and after several brutal clashes both realize that whoever can get Sam, and hence his procreative talent, on their side is going to win. The two sides then spend the rest of the fic hunting him down and stealing Sam from each other.
Pros: Sounds better than the second movie
Cons: can't be written in less than 40,000 words
LOLWTF: it's basically an excuse to turn Sam into a baby-making machine.
2) Bloodties Fandom: Post end of the series, Mike Celluci finally decides fuck it. He's out. He can't compete with Henry for Vikki's attentions, being that Henry is not only handsome, talented, charismatic and bright, but he's also a vampire with unnatural persuasive abilities. And just flipping cool. So Mike breaks it off with Vikki, for real this time, which means that in order not to kill his soul, he's not going to call on her for help and he very firmly asked her not to call on him. Vikki is unhappy, of course, but she also figured it would come to this eventually. She honestly couldn't choose so she's slightly relieved (although also really regretful) that someone made the choice moot. Henry is ecstatic and spend the next few weeks generally patting his own back and high fiving himself. At least until Vikki tells him she's going to dump him as well if he doesn't stop being such a sore winner.
Meanwhile Mike's continuing with life. He dates his coworkers. He dates his coworkers friends. He tries the personals. He never asks anyone for a second date. They are all full of adventuresome stories like the time someone in accounting got caught stealing pencils and the time someone got sick on a cruise ship and the other time someone nearly, almost got mugged. Compared to warewolves and vampires and ancient mummies and evil demons and sexy gorgons ... he just can't muster an interest.
One day he is out dancing with a beautiful friend of a friend at what he recognises with a bit of worry that this is one of Henry's feeding haunts. After scanning the place, he's relieved that Henry isn't there, but it brings up the old memories stronger than ever. Perhaps because of that he happens to notice a tall dark stranger holding a young woman up against the back wall of the night club. To everyone else, they are just making out, but Mike realizes that she's being fed upon. Mike's first thought was that Henry would be pissed at another vampire invading his territory. His second was that this vampire was at it way longer than he should have been. Worry supercedes everything else and he goes up to the vampire and tells him to bugger off or hell tell Henry on him. the victim is dazed and barely conscious. Mike's date goes to the bar to get an ambulance for her and meanwhile the strange vampire has vanished.
Mike considers telling Henry, but decides against it. The vampire's gone. Situation resolved. And besides, he was not going to be the first to break their agreement not to talk with each other. After dropping his date off back home without promising a second date, he heads back to his own house, gets washed up and ready for bed.
Which is where he finds the strange vampire earlier in the evening who has apparently been following him. Oh noes! Mike renews his macho bluster, though he's shit-scared. The new vampire (lets call him oh James. James is a good name), simply knocks his gun away and the lays down the heavy pursasion. Unlike Henry, James has no reason to play nice with Mike. Instead over the course of the night James interrogates Mike about Henry -- where he lives, his weaknesses, what Mike means to him, what adventures they've had together. At the end of the interrogation he feeds on Mike until Mike is too weak to struggle, then tosses him over his shoulder and makes off with him to his lair.
Meanwhile Henry realizes something is wrong with Mike. Although their relationship had always been colored by rivalry, and sometimes less than easy going ribbing, Henry has always considered Mike to belong to him. He felt that way before he fed on him, and of course he felt more that way afterwards. Now that the rivalry is gone and Mike has accepted his place, Henry remembers the parts of Mike that he always admired and liked. The truth was that they had gotten a long much better with each other than either were willing to admit. Since feeding on Mike they've had a bond, which, out of respect, he hadn't pulled. Now he felt that bond pulling at him in a way he didn't like. He recognised that Mike was being fed upon by a rival. And that won't do! Just because Henry hadn't exercised his right to Mike's blood didn't mean that he would allow someone else to have it!
Sadly the bond isn't strong enough for him to actually follow.
The rest of the story is basically Henry and Vikki searching for Mike, while James lays in traps to kill Henry and thus take over his territory and variously torments and seduces his captive. It all culminates with a fight which of course Henry, Mike and Vikki win. Mike lets himself be drawn back into their dysfunctional threesome. Henry decides that Mike is his belonging not his rival, and Vikki ends up back in bed with both of them which is what she always wanted.
Pros: Resolves their rivalry in a way I prefer: a threesome.
Cons: Relies rather heavily on an OC which fandom tends to hate. Also, can't be done in less than about 40,000 words again.
Real problem: Blood Ties fandom? What Blood ties Fandom?
3) True Blood fandom: Barry the Bellhop knows when to get the hell out of dodge and that's what he's doing. Hanging around vampires is great for his sanity but not so great for his life, as evidenced by the fact that Loreena just pinned him against the wall and took his blood without asking or showing any evidence she cared about how lively he'd be when she stopped. So, away he goes. Packed up, in the car, and on his way... to where?
Turns out the where bit is less important than he thought, because Loreena seems determined to track him down. Once she's finally gotten Barry pinned, she alternatively rants about how much she hates Bill and his new floozy until she's worked up a thirst, which she then quenches on Barry. Out of desparation for his life, fearing that she just might take too much blood if he can't convince her that he's useful as something other than a willing ear and a meal, he tells her his ability to read minds.
Thrilled Loreena begins planning her revenge on Bill. Although disappointed that Barry can't spy on vampires (and reassured at the same time) she realizes that she can offer him up the the King of Mississipi (who she knows is gay) in return for use of his estate and his people to capture Bill.
Pros: It kinda fits into the where Tru Blood left off, and goddamn but I want some Barry the Bellhop exploration. the dude has such a nice combination of talent and easily intimidation.
Cons: Again this would be a multi-chapter epic to do well.
WTF: Trublood generally is only interested in main pairings and this would be all bit characters.