In a basement, somewhere in Vancouver:
DM: So I'm glad you all came. Everyone have your character sheets handy? Don't bother, Magnus, I already have a copy saved from our last campaign.
Helen: Excellent!
Henry: Wait a second, how come she gets to play a 1200 point character when the rest of us only have 150 points.
DM: Er, don't worry about it. She's going to be like your Dumbledor, giving you guidance and shit while you go out and fight the bad guys.
Magnus: Yeah, guys don't sweat it. I won't hog the show.
DM: Besides I'm giving you each a super cool special powerup for free to even things out.
Henry: Well okay, but I won't really need it because I have like a 20 in Hacking and a 24 in electronics and a 23 in engineering.
DM: Wait a second. How can you afford that. Let me see that character sheet… Dude. You have enemy, rare addiction, and your strength is that of a 10 year old. Oh and you so can't claim Chris as a dependant. And what are all these bullshit disadvantages. Space sickness? This is a present day campaign. When are you going to go into outer space?
Henry: Hey you never know.
DM: Okay just for that your special power up is to turn into a unreasoning werewolf brute and that will be a phobia of yours too.
Henry: HEY!
Will: What's my special ability?
DM: You can spot hidden clues. Like Sherlock Holmes.
Will: Sweet!
Ashley: Hey honey, do I still get to have a strength and dexterity of 20? Aren't those kinda a lot? Will's only got a 12 for both.
DM: That's your special power up, sweetheart.
Henry: Oh, that's totally not fair. How come she gets to be badass and I don't?
DM: Because you aren't sleeping with me. Don't piss me off or I'll make a space episode. Hey Chris, where's your sheet!
Chris: Oh here. Sorry, I was on the phone with my wife. My daughter just threw up on the dog. Funny story --
DM: --Okay, am I reading this right? You are going to be a Geico Caveman?
Chris: No, a Bigfoot!
DM: But this picture is from a Geico ad.
Chris: Yeah, I look like a caveman, but I'm actually a Bigfoot.
DM: And your name is? You forgot to put it on your sheet.
Chris: Bigfoot.
DM: Are you serious? .… Why don't you think about that for a bit Chris and get back to me. Okay everyone, get out your dice and roll initiative.
... And so the adventure begins.