(no subject)

Mar 17, 2006 08:17

wow, it's one of those days I wake up and realize, my life is fucking awesome. I've been entirely too pleased with myself and, as hard as it maybe to believe, I'm actually liking myself more and more.

My grrlfriend and I have been working out together, pretty much since we started dating in January and it's helped out so much, that grrl is one of the most amazing people I've ever been fortunate enough to be introduced to, she's helped me grow into myself like nobody else ever has. It's funny how life comes up to try and fuck with me and then I let myself get sucked into the cogs as if the petty bullshit drama swirling around me means a fucking thing to anyone. It's not that i feel I'm better then anyone but holy fuck, I've worked my ass off to get where I am both physically, mentally, and socially and I'm not here to play baby sitter for others who refuse to take care of themselves. That's one thing about my grrl that i love most, the fact that she's so independant, more so then I've ever been used to and she's actually done shit with her life, I mean fuckin hell she's 23 and already has two degrees (sociology and social science) from Portland State University, which she got on a full scholarship for basketball I might at. Even in times of extreme stress and trust me, she's had her share with trying to find a job as she put in her 30 days and then the job market fell out and finding a place among other things, she still remains positive and keeps a "oh well, such is life, no sense in letting it get me down" attitude which is so fucking refreshing. I kept telling her that I had a good feeling about the job situation and what do ya know, I was right, she landed a sweet job like 3 days before her 30 days was up. and yes, due to the sheer amount of requests for pictures I'm posting the only two I have thus far...

She's the one on the far right in the second one...

I've been cutting people out of my life that serve no purpose, the habitual whiners and little children that infested and brought me down are slowly disappearing. I didn't realize, well at least didn't have the balls to admit, just how destructive some of these people were. Sometimes I take a passive aggressive stance that is destructive to not only them but me. I just got sick of walking on egg shells with some of these people, too afraid to tell them how I really felt for fear that it would be the twig to push them over the edge when in reality, it's truths they need to hear yet they're such drama fucks that, 1) they'll never hear me and 2) they'll see it as me being mean like "OMG you're such an asshole cuz you're not totally babying me cuz my life sucks so horribly bad" even though the only reason their lives suck is that they're not doing anything with it. Pining away in whatever slice of hell they've made for themselves and they're too lazy to pull themselves out...someday they'll all realize that you can't define yourself on what others say and do for you...but they're so caught up in all the bullshit they've convinced themselves of that it's amazing they haven't drowned yet...oh and do me a favor...if you talk about suicide more then once a week, then do me and the world a favor and just kill yourself and get it over with cuz quite frankly I don't give a fuck...if you're not going to take charge of your life, grab yourself by the proverbial balls and get over the little shit life throws at you, you deserve to have your breathing rights revoked...life isn't easy but sweet bleeding christ quite bitching about mundane shit, so what if your patents are dicks or your grrlfriend is a bitch...if you're not happy, there's always an option and nobody can make that decision for you...fucking grow up.

And don't bitch to me because you don't like my opinion...Lesson #1 I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. if you don't like my opinion, then fucking delete me cuz nobody is forcing you to be my friend, plus I have no desire to befriend anyone that's going to do nothing but bitch.

Lesson #2: KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMING TO ME FOR ADVICE OR IN TIMES OF HARDSHIP AND PERPETUAL WHINING. Nothing is going to promote me to tell you to shut the fuck up then constantly coming to me with "I'm so depressed" or "oh god my life sucks, I'm ugly, I suck" blah de blah blah having a bad day is one thing but constantly complaining is fucking annoying and if you're not going to do anything to evlove and change, the see that bottle of pills, take the whole thing with a bottle of vodka cuz life won't change itself.

Lesson #3: DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF AND IT'S ALL FUCKING SMALL STUFF = there is always an solution to and gripe you may have and really WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF GETTING ALL BENT OVER WHAT PEOPLE SAY...OMG someone dislike something about you!!! WAAAAAAAAH OH I'M SO HURT I'M SO OFFENDED....shut the entire fuck up, jesus christ of all the shallow, meaningless shit to get upset about..."I'm having the worst day cuz my dad yelled at me" WAAAAAAAAAAAH SHUT THE FUCK UP...then stop fucking listening...seriouly get the fuck over it...people talk shit, that's what humanity is good for

Lesson #4: STOP BITCHING ABOUT MONEY - to quote a favorite movie "people who say money is the root of all evil, doesn't fucking have any" if you find yourself saying "OH I'M SO BROKE" all the time then fucking do something about it and if you can't get into the next pay bracket cuz you don't have a degree...WELL THERE'S YOUR FUCKING START RIGHT FUCKING THERE, TAKE THE INIATIVE AND GO DO IT...NOTHING and I mean nothing is standing in your way and don't give me this sob story of "I can't" cuz the it's not a matter of can't but won't...if you don't want a college degree, which is beyond me why you wouldn't want to educate yourself, here's some ideas
1) get 2+ lower paying jobs
2) take on another roomate to help with rent/bills
3) quit buying $9million in useless shit
4) sell off 3 tons of the useless shit you already have

I mean honestly how much shit does one really need, especially if you don't even fucking use it.

And the saddest part about this is...the ignorant and vain will remain as such and will never hear these words for the truth they contain. I'm 27 fucking years old, I've been around the block a few times to know how the system works, I've beaten it, so I know what's possible and what's not. Am I an expert? certainly not but I sure as fuck know how to take care of ones own and live life.
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