myspace to ban free speech

Mar 16, 2006 19:08

MySpace Is The Trojan Horse Of Internet Censorship

Media elite's last gasp effort to save crumbling

Paul Joseph Watson &
Alex Jones/Prison | March 16 2006

MySpace isn't cool, it isn't hip and it isn't trendy.
It represents a cyber trojan horse and the media elite's last gasp effort
to reclaim control of the Internet and sink it with a
stranglehold of regulation, control and censorship.

Since Rupert Murdoch's $580 Million acquisition of
MySpace in July 2005, it has come from total obscurity to now being the
8th most visited website in the world, receiving half as many page hits
as Google, despite the fact that on first appearance it looks like a 5-year-old's
picture scrap and scribble book.

MySpace is the new mobile phone. If you don't have
a MySpace account then you belong to some kind of culturally shunned underclass.

What most of the trendy wendy's remain blissfully unaware
of is the fact that MySpace is Rupert Murdoch's battle axe for shaping a
future Internet environment whereby electronic dissent, whether it be against
corporations or government, will not tolerated and freedom of e-speech will
cease to exist.

MySpace has been caught shutting
down blogs critical of itself
and other Murdoch owned companies.
They even had the audacity to censor links to completely different websites
when clicking through for MySpace. When 600 MySpace users complained, MySpace
deleted the blog forum that the complaints were posted on. Taking their
inspiration from Communist China, MySpace regularly uses blanket censorship
to block out words like 'God'.

Earlier this week Rupert Murdoch sounded
the death knell
for conventional forms of media in stating
that the media elite were losing their monopoly to the rapid and free spread
of new communication technologies. Murdoch stressed the need to regain control
of these outlets in order to prevent the establishment media empire from

MySpace is Rupert Murdoch's trojan horse for destroying
free speech on the Internet. It is a foundational keystone of the first
wave of the state's backlash to the damage that a free and open Internet
has done to their organs of propaganda. By firstly making it cool, trendy
and culturally elite for millions to flock to establishment controlled Internet
backbones like MySpace, Murdoch is preparing the groundwork for the day
when it will stop being voluntary and become mandatory to use government
and corporate monopoly controlled Internet hubs.

The end game is a system similar to or worse than China,
whereby no websites even mildly critical of the government will be authorized.

The Pentagon admitted
that they would engage
in psychological warfare and cyber attacks
on 'enemy' Internet websites in an attempt to shut them down. The fact that
the NSA surveillance program spied on 5,000 Americans tells us that the
enemy is the alternative media and that it will be targeted for elimination.
Google has been ordered to turn over information about its users by a judge
to the US government.

The second wave of destroying freedom of speech online
will simply attempt to price people out of using the conventional Internet
and force people over to Internet 2, a state regulated hub where permission
will need to be obtained directly from an FCC or government bureau to set
up a website.

The original Internet will then be turned into a mass
surveillance database and marketing tool. The
Nation magazine reported
, "Verizon, Comcast, Bell South
and other communications giants are developing strategies that would track
and store information on our every move in cyberspace in a vast data-collection
and marketing system, the scope of which could rival the National Security
Agency. According to white papers now being circulated in the cable, telephone
and telecommunications industries, those with the deepest pockets--corporations,
special-interest groups and major advertisers--would get preferred treatment.
Content from these providers would have first priority on our computer and
television screens, while information seen as undesirable, such as peer-to-peer
communications, could be relegated to a slow lane or simply shut out."

The original Internet will deliberately be subject
to crash upon crash until it becomes a useless carcass of overpriced trash
and its reputation will be defiled by the TV and media barons cashing in
on the perfectly streamlined Internet 2, the free for all network that just
requires you to thumbscan in order to log on! Those with a security grading
below yellow on their national ID card will unfortunately be refused access.
Websites that carry hate speech (ones that talk about government corruption)
will be censored for the betterment of society.

For the aspiring dictator, the Internet is a dangerous
tool that has been seized by the enemy. We have come a long way since 1969,
when the ARPANET was created solely for US government use. The Internet
is freedom's best friend and the bane of control freaks. Its eradication
is one of the short term goals of those that seek to centralize power and
subjugate the world under a global surveillance panopticon prison.

Rupert Murdoch's MySpace and its ceaseless promotion
by the establishment media as the best thing since sliced bread is part
of this movement. In saying all this we do encourage everyone to set up
a MySpace account, but only if you're going to use it to bash MySpace, Rupert
Murdoch and copy and paste this article right at the top of the page! See
how long it is before your account is terminated.

This is serious shit... I strongly advise you all read this and spread the word... internet free speech is a great thing... would hate to see the government succeed with their "control freak" plans to take it away.

It's the Media elite's last gasp effort to save crumbling empire

Ask yourself... are we, "The Sheeple" or "The People"...?

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This is serious shit... I strongly advise you all read this and spread the word... internet free speech is a great thing... would hate to see the government succeed with their "control freak" plans to take it away.

<*a href=""> It's the Media elite's last gasp effort to save crumbling empire <*/a>

___Start Copy___ (Don't take out the *'s on this one)

This is serious shit... I strongly advise you all read this and spread the word... internet free speech is a great thing... would hate to see the government succeed with their "control freak" plans to take it away.

<*a href=""> It's the Media elite's last gasp effort to save crumbling empire <*/a>

___End Copy___ (Don't take out the *'s on this one)
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