Mel inspired be to be semi-productive in my boredness

Feb 04, 2009 15:09

200: My middle name is:
Technically "Elizabeth" but on facebook I made it "Lucy" so that my behrend friends who all know me as "Lucy" wouldn't get confused when I started friending them on facebook as "nikki" - because as far as they know, I am Lucy.
199: I was born in:
1988 on a rainy day at Hamot hospital.
198: I am really:
197: My cell phone company is:
verizon wireless
196: My eye color is:
primarily that dark generic brown color.
195: My shoe size is:
generally between a 5 and a 7.  No, not 6, size six never fits me.  Odd, I know.
194: My ring size is:
I don't know.  I'm the only one buying myself rings, therefore I just try them on until I find one that fits.
193: My height is:
5'1 1/2.  That half an inch is VITAL! Don't forget it.
192: I am allergic to:
Amoxicillin, Penecillin ( I know, it's horrible ), C-clor, and men.
191: My 1st car was:
my hybrid trek 500.
190: My 1st job was:
Kennel worker at Country Liv'n Kennels.
189: Last book you read:
Was a combination of "Emma" by Jane Austen, "Girl, Interrupted" by Susan Kenyson, "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath, and "World War IV" by Normam Podhertz. 
188: My bed is:
currenly in a state of disarray.
187: My pet:
...My pets are Zeke the cocker spaniel, Lucy the white fuzz ball of a cat, a black tetra fish, and a blue betta fish.  I had a few guppies, but they all died.
186: My best friend:
is multiple people. 
185: My favorite shampoo is:
Sauve Naturals.  Horray for 98 cent shampoo!
184: AIM name:
ImabirdFlyAway, FMBgoldfish, SummonerPixie
183: Piggy Banks are:
182: In my pockets
That's not fair! I get three guesses!
181: On my calendar:
is a pretty fairy!
180: Marriage is:
an outdated institution meant to transfer the property of one man into the possesion of another man.  Meaning, basically, an institution rooted in the belief that women are property.
179: Sponge Bob can:
irk me.
178: My mom:
Haha, more like your mom.
177: The last three cd's I bought were:
Black Symphony Orchestra, Enter and... I don't remember before that...
176: Last YouTube video watched:
was a medley of disney songs with deleted scenes from the different movies.
175: How many cousins do you have?
Ten I think.  I just found out about one of them too.  So did her dad.  That was amusing.
174: Do you have any siblings:
Two biological siblings, 65 sorority sisters, and two "brothers"
173: Are your parents divorced:
No, but they've come close.
172: Are you taller than your mom?
By one and a half inches.
171: Do you play an instrument?
I play the jazz flute. haha.
170: What did you do yesterday:
Not much. Class and stuff.

I Believe In:

169: Love at first sight:
I don't even believe in love in general.
168: Luck:
I call it karma.
167: Fate:
To an extent.  But in general I write my own life, not some cosmic being controlling my "destiny"
166: Yourself:
165: Aliens:
Not the green kind.
164: Heaven:
I call it the summerlands.
163: Hell:
No, absolutely not.  No "all knowing all loving" benevolent creator would punish people in such a way.  Genesis begins with all the things that god created.  Not one of those things is "hell" and when Lucifer fell, god banished him to below, which was mistakenly translated to "below" when it was originally "earth"  It was the Church in 372 AD under Emperor Constantine that decided on what they originally called "purgatory" and later decided to call "Hell."
162: God:
I believe that some force created the universe.  However, this force is far beyond our understanding.  I also believe that this force is not concerned with our day to day lives, nor concerned with what we do.  I do pray and worship to a Goddess, however I do not think this goddess was a creator.  They are two different things to me.
161: Horoscopes:
I read them, I laugh at them.  But they are more psychology then astrology.
160: Soul mates:
I believe there are people in your life you are meant to meet and interact with.  I don't think of it in a romantic sense though
159: Ghosts:
158: Gay Marriage:
I believe marriage in general is wrong, however, if the institution is in existance, than it should be a right given to everyone.  It was never a sacred religious institution.  Marriage was around longer than organized religion.  It is a secular institution, and I hate that people are trying to claim it as something that is somehow sacred.  It was the exchange of goods and services! (goods being the dowry ie cows/goats and the services being the legalized rape and forced pregnancy of women)
157: War:
Not in the least.  But we need to support the troops, and end the war.
156: Orbs:
I got a few pictures of orbs.  I like watching Haunted Destinations or some such programs on A&E or the travel channel.
155: Magic:
100%.  It's called a lot of names, and I believe in it in all forms.

Which is Better

154: Hugs or Kisses:
Snuggle cuddle and then hug me!! With you I always want to be.
153: Drunk or High:
152: Phone or Online:
151: Red heads or Black haired:
Betsy's hair is died.  It's not her natural hair color!  I can't believe it! She's not a real red head... my whole world was just shattered
150: Blondes or Brunettes:
149: Hot or cold:
148: Summer or winter:
147: Autumn or Spring:
146: Chocolate or vanilla:
vanilla. hehe.  Oerba Dia Vanilla.  What kind of name is that.
145: Night or Day:
144: Oranges or Apples:
apples to apples!
143: Curly or Straight hair:
142: McDonalds or Burger King:
Well, Burger king lets me get either a veggie burger or whopper hold the meat.
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate:
White chocolate... or dark chocolate
140: Mac or PC:
Right now, Mac seems like a nice option.
139: Flip flops or high heels:
Flats please.
138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor:
Neither please.
137: Coke or Pepsi:
136: Hillary or Obama:
Hillary, I think I want you, Hillary, I think I need you.... Hillary, I like your eyes, your foreign ties and how great are your policies?  I just can't sit still, until I see Hil up on Capitol Hill.
135: Burried or cremated:
I'm not sure.  thinking about this makes me ponder my own mortality.
134: Singing or Dancing:
Crazy dancing!
133: Coach or Chanel:
Sal Val
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks:
My friends a communist. Holds meetings in his RV.  I can't afford the gas, so I'm sitting watching TV.
131: Small town or Big city:
Somewhere I can have  pony.
130: Wal-Mart or Target:
Wal Mart
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler:
I'm going to soak up the sun.
128: Manicure or Pedicure:
New age ritualistic ennimacure. 
127: East Coast or West Coast:
Well, there aren't as many rednecks in the North Atlantic.
126: Your Birthday or Christmas:
Everyone knows when Yule is.  No one knows when my brithday is. muhahah
125: Chocolate or Flowers:
Chocolate, leave the flowers alive please.
124: Disney or Six Flags:
Disney biznatch!
123: Yankees or Red Sox:
I like the Red Sox for the pure joy I got in leaving a whole bunch of random notes in mummsies office one day with 100 reasons why the red sox rock.

Here's What I Think About

122: War:
The government needs to dig their dick out of other peoples sand and put it back in their pants.  It's not that great.
121: George Bush:
Well, after foreign policy courses, I think he was a sorry horrible president, and let his party be hijacked by neocons.  You know, gayrights, abortion, and health care were never party issues prior to the rise of the neo cons.  There used to be abortion supporters in both parties.  There used to be gay rights supporters in both parties.  But our nation has become so polarized in the last 8 years.  And Ihated how he refered to us as "good" and everyone that didn't support or like us as "evil" - No, they are DIFFERENT! not evil.  Those are words you don't use in politics.
120: Gay Marriage:
I've answered this already.  If the instituion of marriage must exist, it should extend to all people.  You don't like gay marriage, Don't Get One! Easy as that.   The government should have no right to control sexual activity.  And that is exactly what people are trying to do.  homosexual activity distrubs them, they don't want to think about it.  So, therefore, they think it shouldn't happen.  For a long time it was a crime to have sex out of wedlock, to have oral or anal sex, to have sex with someone who wasn't of the same race, and even to have sex with someone who wasn't of your same religion.  We (hopefull) have gotten past all of that, since all of those laws were overturned.  But peole are still afraid of sex.  Particularly, sex they don't understand.  And gay marriage would legalize gay sex.  And for some reason all the people against it feel that it is a threat to their way of life.
119: The presidential election:
super exciting!  I love politics.
118: Abortion:
What a woman does with HER body is none of anyone's concern.  You do not get any legal rights in America until you are 18.  Meaning, you don't have rights as a fetus, either.  Yes, it is a FETUS, not a baby.  Babies happen AFTER you give birth.  And, for the record, there is NO SUCH THING AS PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION.  Ask any doctor, there is no such medical proceedure.  And, those people that want to make abortion illegal, you realize that by going down that road you could potentially make condoms illegal.  Because the next thing would be the morning after pill (which is not the abortion pill - RU486 - two different things; the morning after pill prevents you from ovulating and does not hurt any existing pregnancy), the birth control pill, depo prevara, the nuva ring, or any other hormonal form of birth control.  After those are made illegal, you could make a case for ALL birth control.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?  Oh yeah! I remember that in the United States that was once a law too!  Condoms were illegal and we had families with 12 children.  I'm sure in today's economy that would make loads of sense.
117: MySpace:
a good time waster.  << agreed!
116: Reality TV:
stupid.  << agreed!
115: Parents:
Important for somethings.
114: Back stabbers:
If you're a paranoid schitzophrenic, then they are in your head.
113: Ebay:
Great for finding cosplay items.
112: Sex:
Sometimes has nothing and everything to do with love.
111: Work:
Nessesary.  I don't like people who live off of the taxpayers
110: My Neighbors:
Are one one side at home: crazy fred and Ethel, and on the other a pastor and his family.
One one side at school: the nolan family who works for the college, and on the other side the animal welfare house.
109: Gas Prices:
Are a tool used to get across a politlcal agenda.
108: Designer Clothes:
No thank you.
107: College:
Loving it.
106: Sports:
Drum Corps International.
105: My family:
Sorority family: Freaking awesome
Real Family: Awesome
"Brothers": Fan freaking amaz-awesome.
104: The future:
excites me.

Last time I

103: Hugged someone:
l hugged meg when I was coming back from wind symph
102: Last time you ate:
I had a crunch bar a few minutes ago
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile:
100: Cried in front of someone:
99: Went to a movie theater:
Gosh, that's a good question.
98: Took a vacation:
I went to the circus some time last week! Yeah!
97: Swam in a pool:
Hmm... I don't know.
96: Changed a diaper:
95: Got my nails done:
94: Went to a wedding:
Sometime in October with Hunter.
93: Broke a bone:
Fourth grade.
92: Got a peircing:
I go tmy ears pierced in december.
91: Broke the law:
90: Texted:
I just texted my little.


89: Who makes you laugh the most:
mix of my housemates and the brothers
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
well, when i do leave home i always miss my dog and cat
87: The last movie I saw:
final fantasy advent chilfren
86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most:
being done with this semester.
85: The thing im not looking forward to:
84: People call me:
83: The most difficult thing to do is:
obey all the traffic signs.
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket:
But I haven't....although I had a dream I did the other night.
81: My zodiac sign is:
Libra. biznatch.
80: The first person i talked to today was:
Meg as we grumbled about 8 AMs.
79: First time you had a crush
I don't know, i thought I had a crush on Tommy the power ranger in pre school.  Than he got together with Kimberly.  The man whore.
78: The one person who i can't hide things from:
my housemates and hunter.
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking:
Well, Hannah and I were talking to each other in the living room.... on AIM.... and we sent each other the same message.
76: Right now I am talking to:
The voices in your head.
75: What are you going to do when you grow up
Probably be some sort of politician.
74: I have/will get a job:
currently working at security and at cracker barrel.
73: Tomorrow:
Another 8 AM! Woo.
72: Today:
had too much drama for my liking.
71: Next Summer:
work half of it, and then go back packing for a month, then settle in at DC and work for Hillary Clinton!
70: Next Weekend:
Bid Day - Take Two!
69: I have these pets:
Cocker Spaniel named Zeke, white DSH Lucy, A black tetra - nameless, and a blue betta, also nameless
68: The worst sound in the world:
67: The person that makes me cry the most is:
Not people - events.
66: People that make you happy:
Friends, sisters, brothers.
65: Last time I cried:
December ish at work.
64: My friends are:
Better than no friends
63: My computer is:
Being a pain right now.
62: My School:
Is basically the best school there is for Pre-Law and Pre-Med.  That's right.  We make the doctors, and their malpractice lawyers.  Cant' touch this.
61: My Car:
looks a lot like a bike.
60: I lose all respect for people who:
Live off welfare and rot in their parents basements
59: The movie I cried at was:
Star Wars, the Note Book, The Lake House, Lady and the Tramp
58: Your hair color is:
Naturally a mystery.
57: TV shows you watch:
house, Greek, CSI, and Gilmore Girls thanks to Hannah.
56: Favorite web site:
55: Your dream vacation:
Backpacking in Europe
54: The worst pain I was ever in was:
Kidney stones.  Oh, and when no one believed me about my arm.  Yes, the entire arm form my elbow down was INFECTEED.  Yet no one believed me, and no one wanted to take me to the doctors. 
53: How do you like your steak cooked
I prefer animals to still be alive
52: My room is:
a mess
51: My favorite celebrity is
I don't know....
50: Where would you like to be:
Somewhere without snow
49: Do you want children:
Resounding NO!
48: Ever been in love:
Yes.  With one person.  But I've never really done anything about it, because I don't believe it would do anything.
47: Whos your best friend:
I have damn near a hundred of them.
46: More guy friends or girl friends:
Well, since I joined a sorority, more girls.
45: One thing that makes you feel great is:
lactose free ice cream at enp
44: One person that you wish you could see right now:
Hmm... a
43: Do you have a 5 year plan:
Yes I do!  And it includes everything from courses, to working, to law school. 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die:
Well, since I'm kinda not dying... I guess I could fit world domination in.
41: Have you pre-named your children:
Well, if I have a love child, ala White Oleander, minus the killing people part, I would name it Xyphie or Astrid.  Otheriwse, I plan on having cats.  And they will tell me their names when I get them.
40: Last person I got mad at:
The TC.
39: I would like to move to:
38: I wish I was a professional:
Lobbyist or astro-physicists.

My Favorites

37: Candy:
cookies and cream bar
36: Vehicle:
35: President:
President McKinely.  Primarily because he put a cow on the main buiilding of his school when he was in college.   Where did he go to school again?  Oh! yeah!  Allegheny.
34: State visited:
Texas.  Hate the rednecks though.
33: Cell Phone Provider:
32: Athlete:
Ummm.... Karen Kadevy
31: Actor:
I don't know... Nicole Kidmen or Sandra Bullock.
30: Actress:
It's politically incorrect to use this term. 
29: Singer:
Sharon dan Adel, Amy Lee, Liv, Alanis Morrisete, Kate Voegele, Vanessa Carlton, Stevie Nicks, ....
28: Band:
WT, 3DG, BB, CF, F11, SP, Ev, SS, LP, AF, ToT, LE, ....
27: Clothing Store:
Sal Val or Grasshopers
26: Grocery Store:
giant eagle
25: TV show:
24: Movie:
Star Wars
23: Website:
you asked me this already
22: Animal:
21: Theme Park:
20: Holiday:
19: Sport to watch:
18: Sport to play:
17: Magazine:
The Adelphean of Alpha Delta Pi
16: Book:
tToss up between the Alanna books, or The Bell jar or Jane Eyre or Persuasion
15: Day of the week:
14: Beach:
13: Concert Attended:
Rock on The Range!
12: Thing to cook:
11: Food:
10: Restaurant:
9: Radio Station:
8: Yankee Candle scent:
Christmas Cookie
7: Perfume:
no thanks
6: Flower:
5: Color:
4: Talk Show host:
I don't know
3: Comedian:
Kathy Greenburg or Colin Mochrie from Who's Line
2: Dog Breed:
I'd say either Cavalier King Charles, Britany spaniels, or ASCOB American Cocker spaniels.  Or Basenjis.  They can climb walls  I worked in a kennel for four years, I could name off, alphabetically, all 132 AKC recognized breeds.
1: Are you ready for this survey to be over?
Sure, I guess.
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