May 2014 Report

Jun 01, 2014 13:39


I wrote 12219 words in May, which is in line with what I should write each month to reach the 150k total. I'm quite pleased with that, especially since I wrote all of it in the last 8 days of May.

Ten Years PG-13. John/Rodney. 1895 words. Inspired by melagan's idea for ten years later fest, I wrote this little fic, set ten years after they met.

Over him R. John/Rodney. (Rodney/Jennifer. John/OMC.) 5247 words. John watches Rodney shopping for engagement rings and decides he needs to finally get over him. So he starts dating a guy, and Rodney has a meltdown because he realizes that he's in no way, shape, or form over his "crush" on John. Angst and overly emotional declarations follow. (And Ronon being a great friend to Rodney.)

Positive Reinforcement PG-13. John/Rodney. 5084 words. As I came up to Operant Conditioning in my list of old fics to post on AO3, I once again thought about a happy ending for that depressing fic. This time I thought of something that seemed appropriate (and not too easy), and wrote it down yesterday. @AO3

On the AO3 posting front, I moved on to June 2008 (and I'm finally caught up with Joe/David). I'm at 245 works now, which means I've added twenty-nine stories since the last report. Most were old. The newly posted fics were the above mentioned Positive Reinforcement and the two McSheplets challenge answers Another Ring and Insights of a mind without memories.

And yes, I still didn't continue my Extreme Big Bang story. Not having an artists takes out the pressure of actually working on it. I'll see if I can motivate myself to do this in time to have two people beta it.

writing, mcshep

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