February 2014 Report

Mar 01, 2014 19:49

Things are still going quite well:


I wrote 13300 words in February, which is again more than I'd need on average to reach 150k, not even considering that I'll do 50k in November.

Untitled NC-17. John/Rodney. John masturbates until he catches Rodney watching him. Sex ensues. ~600 words in February; still not finished.

Protector NC-17. John/Rodney. ~9000 words in February. The 100k Extreme Big Bang fic. ~13.5k to go.

I wanted to write at least a John/Rodney and Joe/David fic for the Porn Battle:

Awkward NC-17. John/Rodney. Porn Battle fic: Rodney's at a gay bar, looking for some rebound sex, when he runs into someone unexpected. ~2500 words. @AO3

Drop NC-17. Joe/David. Porn Battle fic: A drop of sweat is forming on David's nose, and Joe can't look away. 171 words. @AO3 (Very short, but I find it hotter than the McShep one.)


I gave up on my original idea for the SGA Reverse Bang but have worked on something else which I quite like.

For what it's worth, my original idea was basically a McShep Fallout version: One image was John from behind, walking in the desert with a broken hut nearby and ruins of a city in the background. Rodney's image was him in a run-down wooden room, working at a desk with shelves of stuff in the background and on the ceiling a shotgun that's triggered when the door is opened. The final one was John and Rodney in bed, with a shotgun leaning against the nightdesk, the bedroom very old-fashioned with pictures of an elderly couple and their family on the wall and dresser.

Somehow these ideas always end up too ambitious for me, or conversely the level that I can achieve is so dissatisfying that I end up not doing it at all. Maybe I'll feel better about doing some art for my Extreme Big Bang story since it's not for someone else, so I won't feel as bad if it's only sketches or quite stylized.

On the AO3 posting front, I'm still at November 2007 (for the McShep and Hewligan stuff; I'm further behind on Joe/David). I'm at 191 works now, which means I've added fifteen stories since the last report. Three of these were new. In addition to the above mentioned Porn Batte fics, I posted Like Fine Wine (McShep, PG).

The Don't Break The Chain method is still working quite well for me. I wrote every day until February 19th when I did something for work that I really wanted to finish before the latest release of our software. Since the chain was broken, I'm giving myself a few days without writing to concentrate on finishing my SGA Reverse Bang art.

I still need to finish my Extreme Big Bang story, so that'll be priority one after finishing the Reverse Bang art.

On a personal note, today is my 10-year anniversary at the company I work. It's amazing how fast the years go by.

writing, mcshep, rl, joe/david rps

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