Yesterday was fun

Dec 22, 2005 08:18

I am seriously tired. I don't know why, really.

Is it bad that I dreamt about going to a Mythbusters convention? And that Jade Martin was there? (By the way, I hate Jade, so as far as dreams go, seeing him in my dream was really bad!) Although the whole Mythbusters convention concept wasn't at all bad. If you're me.

Yesterday was so fun--food, friends, games, Firefly. Yep, it was all good.

And I'm still tired and not to mention hungry right now. And these crows are all cawing--have you ever seen Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds? Yeah, just like that they're outside our house, in a large tree, all together, cawing, waiting for the right chance to attack...

that's it--I hate crows now.
We're doing Godspell for the musical next year--I heard it was great. And that it had hippies in it. Mom said I would be a good hippy. Scott Kramer said the exact thing and then he said, "Without the drugs, though." And I was all like, 'yeah', nodding my head.


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