On low-tech running

Jul 02, 2008 14:36

Been suffering a minor tendon inflammation in my ankle (not achilles).
Got new running shoes and took a week off. New running shoes feel ok.
Oddly enough, though the thing that feels best seems to be running barefoot. Could there be something to the theory that 4 million years of evolution are ahead of 40 years of athletic shoe technology?
Who knows, but I'm going to incorporate more barefoot training into my mix (primarily on level sidewalks where it's easy to see things like broken glass and used hypodermics), and getting a pair of Vibram FiveFingers shoes. I'm thinking at least 1/4 to 1/3 of my running is going to be sasquatch-style.

On the upside, I'm down nearly 30 lbs from my peak tubbyness, and on course to begin the hardcore part of my marathon training in late August.

May the Farce be with you.
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