So, today's the day.
I am watching the newest episode of Doctor Who. New Season, new doctor, let's see how it goes, shall we?
I have to admit that I'm not sure I like the new intro. The pictures are okay I guess, but the sound... they've changed the familiar tune somewhat and also, I don't know what musical instrument it's supposed to be but it sounds... really not good. Completely annoying.
And again... Victorian London and Madam Vastra, Jenny and Straxx. Didn't we do that already? We've seen those three assist the Doctor at least three times in the last season. It's a bit much to go there again. I liked Madam Vastra and Jenny at first but I never cared much for Straxx. He really gets on my nerves with his ridiculousness. And I'm getting tired of the same setting and time over and over again. The universe has so much more to offer, why does it always have to be Victorian London?
On to my first impression of Peter Capaldi as the new doctor.
The first few minutes, where he's all confused, he totally reminds me of Matt Smith. With his arms waving, running around, shouting, talking a mile per minute... I have to say that Capaldi did a great job in making us recognize the old doctor.
And now, the scene where he's in the alley, talking to the old man about his new face... that it seems familiar to him... I like that they've adressed the issue like this. After all, he has seen that face before, when he (the tenth doctor) was in Pompeji with Donna.
A propos tenth doctor... I really love the scene when he discovers that he's Scottish, the way he talks then, totally like David Tennant. Brilliantly done, I laughed out loud at his "Nooooo".
So, the plot story with the androids or whatever... I don't like it, I don't get it, it's boring.
But, oh wow. That phone call... I'm in tears. I didn't expect anything like this. I'm not sure I like it but, what can I say, I'm in tears.
But what was that last bit about the android in paradise? Who was that woman? Huh? I don't get it.
All in all... I'm not sure I liked this episode. I like Peter Capaldi as the doctor but that's about it. The rest... not so much to my liking. There's much room to improve. It can only get better.
And since rumor has it that after Christmas Clara will be gone (I never warmed up to her), I'm hopeful that I will like DW again.