Nov 05, 2008 21:35
Told my mom about the email I got from my father. It led into a conversation that's left me feeling...ahh, fuck...I don't know how I feel.
My mom was able let loose, which I guess is a good thing. She told me she thinks my dad's a sociopath...that she begged him to get psychiatric help when I was a baby...and we both agreed that he does horrible, truly horrible things and doesn't even realize they're wrong...realize he's wrong.
Nothing was resolved by this chat that we had. Actually, it's only served to further stir up shit in my head.
Blah. I'm sorry. I don't mean to go on endlessly about this sort of stuff. It what it is.
Gonna go back to watching "Dirty Sexy Money" now. And making icons. If anyone has an iconing request, let me know.
Love everyone. Bye bye.