Trying to wrap my head around the RenegadeShepard I'm starting

Apr 12, 2012 12:59

Paragon is just more...RIGHT to me. So I've been having difficulty :p I don't know what it says about me that in any morality-based RPG, the KOTORs, the Mass Effects, Fable, kiiind of Planescape:Torment, I'm always basically almost as pure Paragon as it's possible to be. Not because I'm trying for any type of playthrough, but because...that's what you're supposed to do. You don't lie, you don't steal (beyond the normal "if it isn't bolted down it's yours. If you can pry it up, it wasn't bolted down well enough" rules. No looting of occupied cash registers though :p). Someone surrenders, you don't kill them. (I ALSO don't know what it says about Trevor that in those types of games his characters always ended up more gray than anything. Maybe it should have been a sign? :p Think I should ask Tre what his alignment tends to? :ppp Even though I think I already know the answer...)

But I CAN'T be the amoral chaotic psychopath. It's perhaps a failing of my roleplaying ability, but I had to reload after punching Manuel and...not punch him. I didn't shoot up the illegal mod thugs, because those weren't my orders. I WON'T kill Wrex, when I get to that point; he's more use to me alive. I may kill the Rachni Queen on principle - not having her in 3 means I'll get to save Aralakh Company, her War Assets are easily made up by the fact that goddamn I love ME3's multiplayer, plus...geeeeeze. She gets captured ALL THE TIME. And maybe she can't be indoctrinated - somehow - but her kids turn at the drop of a hat. Couldn't blow off the Consort for hot steamy Consort sex because...sigh. She annoys me, more than anything. But I do plan on being very "bored now" to Ashley about her poetry crap. I get paid to shoot things.

I THINK I can get behind the concept of, I am a guy (yes, Renegon Shepard is a man. Easier to play a greedy bastard if it's coming from a Y-chromosome avatar, sue me >:P Plus, I adore Jennifer Hale's voice acting, but I have not given sufficient attention to Mark Meer, and this should be rectified) who gets the mission done. You order me to save civilians, I WILL save civilians. You make a sneak-attack headshot that takes out a terrorist, I won't be all OMG YOU COULD HAVE HIT THE HOSTAGE, I'm gonna be all, dude, nice shot. You fuck with me, I WILL put my gun in your face, because I ain't got time for this shit. And if you tell me the truth, I'll put the gun away. Just because I will do what it takes to get the job done, doesn't mean innocent people have to die, or that I won't help you in the process, but I do intend to get paid for my help.

Unless you're the Consort.

Fuck the Consort.

(not literally)
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