Aug 30, 2004 10:06
So a lots gone on in this last week or so since University and my new job started. So my schedule goes like this, I am in class MWF 9-noon then I have a few hours break then I work 5-9pm TTh I go to class 8-11 and 2-3:15. I have XA Tuesday nights. Then I also work all day(10.5 hours) Sat. and Sun. Life has not existed this last week, and without my nightly(or almost nightly) talks with James I would have forgotten that I was even human.
This last week I've gone to class, started work, made new friends with my colleagues at work, found out an old friend works with me, regained that friendship, cashed a loan, bought a car, tried to learn to drive a stick shift, bought food and things for my apartment, tried to do homework and read my books, and about a million other things. I can't wait for Thursday, it's the only day I have a nice size break and maybe I can actually relax, hang out with friends even.
My new car is cute! I now own a 93 Toyota Tracel 4 speed. It has 112K miles on it. It is blueish green. I can actually drive this car out of Tulsa! :) It's nice to be able to get in a car and not worry about it breaking down between here and where I'm going.
Classes are going well so far. I'm taking 18 hours. I need to get my book for accounting, I'm two homework assignments behind now. Eeep. Work is also going well. Currently I'm training 32 hours a week. I'm enjoying the new friends and buddies, they are fun. It's also great to go on the floor and see Paul, my old buddy. Glad to get to see him again!
Things are crazy but it'll all work out in end. And when I don't feel that way I'll just call James. :) You're the best, darling!