
Mar 17, 2012 01:30

Holy carp! I just spent two hours finding and creating a script template for Word. Gads! I remember it being awfully annoying from when the husband had to do it for his bachelor's. But egads! Good thing I did it now, rather than waiting for April. O_o

April, btw, is ScriptFrenzy!

This will be my first foray into "legitimate" script writing. (I feel like I've written this before. Have I? My apologies if I have.) 100 pages of script, which...will actually be two scripts for me, since I'm going to do television. Eeeee! I'm so excited! I've never wanted to write for tv before - in fact, was diametrically opposed. Hollywood? No thank you! But, since it's likely we're moving to LA this summer anyway, I figured, what the heck? If we're going to be there, I might as well take the plunge and see if I can't turn this writing thing into a day job, too. Even if it's not really any more solid than novel writing... :/ Also, if I could write for something like Heroes, only write it better than they finished it, ah! Wouldn't that be amazing?

My template is formatted. I have a tentative idea for two spec scripts, just for fun, and to try my hand at them. And I'm percolating a possible pilot for...something else. Dunno what yet. Sci-fi? Paranormal? Somethin'. That way, if I decide I don't want to do two specs, I can play with my own world.

Head hurts. Exhausted. Did my 5k training today, must do so again tomorrow. Must continue, otherwise we will never make it through Disney next month without my collapsing in the middle of Fantasyland. Whew!


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