Man, where to start?
I almost feel silly posting today, because of the gravity of a txt I got from D a few hours back. I wanna say first and foremost that I'm so sorry for your loss, man. I can't imagine. I wish I had something...mind-blowing to make any sliver of that pain go away. ♥
These months have been a blur, really. Nothing exciting but then a ton exciting all at once. So much and so little has happened that I'm not sure what's important enough to post about. The urge to just write something was too overwhelming tonight.
I've had a lot of time alone as of late...which I think is healthy. Alex is off training in Kentucky for his up-coming deployment and I have the house to (almost) myself. In his absence I have Ayla and Rumble, which is a pretty awesome temporary substitute. Ayla and family moved in not long ago, and I'm really happy to have them here. I think I'd be pulling my hair out with loneliness at this point! Chevy is spending the night tonight, Ayla's mom's little husky mix. She's a sweety and I wish we could steal her away. :D
I do miss Alex though. Being constantly at someone's side for over a year makes it almost crippling to have torn away. Shen can attest to this. She lives all the way up in Denton with no one. I can't imagine it. But, I'm not Shen-tastic.
Hopefully when Alex gets home in a couple months we can get married. I want to throw a decent wedding, big enough for an excuse for my out-of-townies to come down to visit. I can't think of where to have it. I want somewhere big enough for everyone to be comfy, but also not too expensive so we can afford plenty of food and booze. Mostly booze. Cause it's a fucking wedding, and I don't want mine to suck. Damn, you know I didn't even think of River Legacy park...and it's be during the summer, so it'd be warm enough for sure. Huh. I knew writing out my thoughts would help! Course, I still wanna browse a bit before I seal anything.
The one thing I know for sure is that I want a dress like
this stunning masterpiece here. I gotta get some quotes from a seamstress, because that exact one is $3000. :/ Nooo fucking way. I also gotta figure out what rings and you to afford it all. HEH.
Most of the free time I have I, doing nothing really. I need to start reading again. I've been keeping myself fairly busy with hanging with my mom and cleaning. As soon as I get my tax stuff done I can look back into getting into school again. Taking a year off was really awesome. I think it helped get my blood pumping again for archeaology and paleontology. You can't miss what's not gone, right? Having be deprived of school makes me long for it, which is amazing since I was SO FUCKING SICK OF IT before. Man, 2009 was so rough.
I guess that was a good rant for now. Not really a rant but a flush of thoughts. I'll keep you guys updated on what's going on as far as my wedding stuff goes. I hope I can pull this off. 2010, be awesome please!!