busy as a bee

Nov 09, 2011 22:49

So. I had an AWESOME workout today. 40 minutes on the bike and 45 minutes on the lliptical. All of the machines that I usually use were full, so I had to use the weird elliptical and it actually turned out to have more of a stiarmaster motion, which was good. My thighs are stiff for sure. Anyways, I did zumba on Sunday, but I hadn't gone to the Y since Thursday and I was just itching to go. That's not like the old me at all. It was such a weird feeling. I think part of my antsyness stemmed from the fact that yesterday, I didn't get a chance to go because of work and school. I probably could have squeezed it in, but I really needed to study. I hope they mark leniently, but at least there's still hope lol. I foresee taking this class again. It's like learning a new language and I'm just not getting it quickly enough.

The other thing related to weight loss that that I did today was take some progress pictures. I hadn't done that in a while. It IS noticeable that I'm lost weight in my stomach and my thighs. This is a big deal because I hadn't seen a difference in previous pictures
Still a long ways to go, but whatever. I'm hoping that after this week I will no longer be morbidly obese, I was at 35.02 BMI on Sunday. I'll weigh myself again on Saturday,

And I tried to pick out some activities to do in the winter. I have been finding that having a specific class that I go to keeps me accountable, even if I can get in a more intense workout in other ways. The gym is just so damn far away that it's hard to go to some days. Whatever. I have been doing okay, so I shouldn't be upset about this. I am excited because I will be able to take Zumba toning both days that it is offered. I couldnt' go on Fridays this semester because of inorganic chem. And I Shannon is going to take a class at school with me on Wednesdays. And then I'll continue to do my Sunday morning class. I also found a class at the other Y, which I should be able to register for. I just need to find out how.  So Zumba 5 days a week. Wooo.

I also looked up the times that Yoga is offered on campus. It is not the greatest workout, but it helps my back so much and i usually feel pretty energized afterwards. I found two drop-in classes at the school that are offered at good times. Then I also found one that is on Friday mornings at 8, though I'm not sure if I'm quite that motivated, especially with all of this other junk. I could take yoga on Monday nights, but that would probably be the only thing that I do in terms of working out on Mondays and I'd rather be doing something more active. I found an aquacize powertone class at school. I am considering doing that. I would be something different zumba, and it could be a lower impact day while still getting in a workout. Yeah?

Of course, a lot of this depends on work rehiring me, which I am not even sure will happen. Fingers crossed.

You know what? I might have lost 10 lbs in October despite my shitty habits. I should calculate it. I had a good weigh in this week.

I also got my hair trimmed and then died it today. It looks slightly better, although I just went to First Choice so... eh. ha ha. I will get it done somewhere a bit higher end before I go home for christmas.

I am going to watch Community and then make lunch for tomorrow, pack my workout clothes and go to bed. I started 2001: A Space Odyssey on the bus after work. So far I hate it. We'll see where that goes. I did finish Platform yesterday. The ending kind of took me by surprise, although I'm still not sure what I was supposed to feel towards the book. It was alright but probably not one of the 1001 greatest books ever written (although I can understand from a social importance why the story was included on the list, even it was not a great book. The themes were pertinent.) Anyways, I just feel an overwhelming sense of apathy, which is basically what the narrator felt the entire time. So I guess it worked?
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