Supernatural Drabbles; S5 Promo

Aug 21, 2009 20:24

Heroic Sacrifices: Dean/Castiel, PG

Dean Winchester never trusted prophecies or fate, and there was a good reason for that: they tended to screw him over. Justifiably, Dean was not a fun. But when Lucifer rose and prophecies started to fulfill themselves backwards, it was clear something was very wrong.

The first indication was when Castiel pressed their foreheads together and tentatively kissed Dean. The hunter had waited for such a moment for months, but when Castiel’s lips pressed against his, he knew they were screwed. Not half an hour later, Lucifer was dead and Castiel’s blood was smeared on the walls in heroic sacrifice.


Effective Strategies: Dean/Castiel, PG

Sometimes, Dean wondered if Castiel had exchanged his wings for horns. When the angel got angry, lights flickered dimly and glass shattered. Dean got that angels weren’t the fluffy creatures that humans had determined them to be, but there was something horribly unsettling about watching Castiel go rigid as he fixed Dean with one of his intense, piercing gazes. Luckily, Dean had managed to find an effective way to end his torments. All it took was a press of lips, the graze of smooth skin and a mention of pumpkin muffins for Castiel to put his mouth to better use.


Surprise, Sam! : Dean/Castiel, Sam, PG

Sam was a fucking tattletale; he told Castiel about the naked pictures Dean kept in the glove compartment of the Impala. Like that wasn’t enough, he ate the last piece of pumpkin pie and brought Dean a burger in a whole wheat bun. With banana peppers.

Dean tried to explain to Castiel it wasn’t unusual for humans to have pictures of their romantic partners, but the angel wasn’t convinced.

Dean had to massage Castiel’s wings for an hour to make amends. While this wasn’t an unpleasant experience, Dean craved revenge. He was SO giving Sam a surprise haircut that night.


Regrets: Jimmy, Dean/Castiel, PG

Jimmy Novak did a lot of stupid things in his life time. In his mid-teens, he got caught smoking pot on numerous occasions. On graduation night, he got trashed and had to give his valedictorian speech with a hangover. He got married too young, and while he didn’t regret it, it wasn’t the smartest decision to make.

He walked out on his family to serve God and his angels, which ranked pretty high on his list of regrets.

But the stupidest thing Jimmy ever did was fall in love with a righteous man who was in love with an angel.


Lessons Learned: Dean/Castiel, R

Teaching an angel of the lord how to suck cock had proven to be quite the task.

The first time Castiel sunk to his knees in front of him, Dean was excited. Until sharp teeth scarped his length and his eyes watered.

The second time Castiel attempted the task he was slobbering all over the shaft; Dean didn’t say anything, not wanting to offend the angel.

The third time was a charm. Castiel covered his teeth, watched the drooling and deep-throated the hunter. Dean threw his head back, one hand tangled in Castiel’s hair while the other stroked his wings.


Pros and Cons: Chuck/Castiel, R

Chuck doesn’t know how he feels about the fact he can’t prophesy his own life. On the one hand, who the hell wants to know their future in advance? On the other hand, it might help him deal when life brings about an unexpected turn of events.

Like when Castiel shoves him against the wall, pressing his knee between Chuck’s legs to spread them wider. He pushes his strong chest against Chuck’s smaller one, attaching their lips together and coaxing a gentle tongue inside.  Apparently, when the angel said he admires Chuck’s work, he wasn’t talking exclusively about the prose.


Bad News: Dean/Chuck, PG

Dean doesn’t like it when Chuck tells him about new prophecies he’s dreamed up; there’s never any good news. None of it is really Chuck’s fault, but Dean isn’t exactly known for being logical when the adrenaline is surging in his bloodstream and clouds his judgment.

When Chuck tells him after the war is won Sam’s going to go back to law-school and Castiel’s departing back to Heaven, the hunter goes rigid. He grabs Chuck by his collar and the prophet’s skull meets the concrete wall in a loud crack before Dean presses a violent, searing kiss to Chuck’s lips.


Secrets: Dean/Castiel one sided, PG

There are certain things Castiel can’t tell Dean Winchester. They have nothing to do with his loyalty to the Host or following his orders; he hasn’t been too rigid about following those as is. In fact, these are things Castiel can’t reveal to his brethren, either.

The things Castiel must keep to himself have nothing to do with the apocalypse. They have to do with the private matters of the angel’s heart; the way it beats faster yet flutters when he’s around his human charge. The way he aches for Dean to show him just what humanity is all about.


Love and Loss: Dean/Castiel, Sam; PG

“Dean, you can’t let him do this.” Sam says, keeping his voice soft. He wants to see his brother happy, he really does, but it’s the wrong way to go about it. He knows Dean will regret it later, as will Castiel.

“Why not, Sammy? Why can’t I have just this one thing for myself?”

“If you really love him, you won’t let him sacrifice something so meaningful.”

Dean sighs,green eyes brimming with unshed tears. He can’t let Castiel fall for him. It’s so ironic, that because of how much he loves the angel he has to give him up.


Realism: Chuck, Dean/Castiel; PG

At first, Chuck is convinced that whatever it is Dean and Castiel have going on is wrong. After all, how can an angel sneaking around with his human charge be right?

It’s when he dreams and sees them together before the final battle that he gets his answer.

Their eyes are cast downwards as they’re sitting on Bobby’s couch, a healthy distance between them and silence penetrating the air. Castiel brushes his palm close to Dean’s, waiting. It takes Dean a millisecond to cover Castiel’s palm with his and squeeze back.

It’s right because it’s pure and real. It’s theirs.

Empty Promises: Dean/Castiel, PG

Dean was, first and foremost, a soldier. And as such, he knew when a fight was lost. But he was also a Winchester, and as such he was going to go down swinging. Or so he thought.

Of course, that had been when he still had something to fight for. When he had an angel of the Lord perched on his shoulder, murmuring promises of forever in his ear.

Castiel had been the only one with such unwavering faith in humanity, and when he fell in battle and humanity didn’t even weep, Dean decided it wasn’t worth saving after all.


Taste and Feel: Sam/Chuck, PG

When Sam first kissed Chuck, it wasn't different from any other kiss he experienced. The beard, the strong odor of masculinity, the lack of soft curves… none of those things bothered him.

The only thing that stood out was the strong taste of Jack Daniels that lingered in Chuck’s mouth and assaulted the hunter’s senses. It wasn’t the taste of the liquor itself, per se; it was the taste of desperation behind it. That’s when he knew kissing Chuck would always be different; would fit better. They were lost souls clinging to the other’s taste as if it offered salvation.


Beauty: Voyeur!Lucifer, Dean/Castiel; R

Lucifer thought Alistair was an idiot. Why else would he spend 40 years with Dean without putting his mouth to good use?

The same went for his former brethren; why else would they spend millennia with an angel as pretty as Castiel, and not be tempted to touch?

It was a bigger sin than anything Lucifer ever committed.

He watched in the shadows as Dean rode Castiel; his skin glistening with sweat Castiel would later lick away.

They were remarkable in their combined beauty.

Lucifer was glad they were smart enough to grasp a good thing and hold on tight.


And just in case you haven't seen the new S5 promo yet, or you just want to watch it AGAIN because it's so totally KICKASS, here it it! September 10, come already!!!!!!!

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fanfiction, supernatural, r, drabble, slash, pg

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